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The 1977 Descent of Provatina, Greece (blue folder),


Adaptation and Natural Selection in Caves - Evolution of Gammarus minus [1995], Culver, David C., Kane, Thomas C., and Fong, Daniel W.


Adventures of Caving [1986], McClurg, David R.

A Caving Manual [1981], Lovelock, James

The Great Caving Adventure [1984], Farr, Martyn

Wilderness Under the Earth [1958], Franke, Herbert W.

Challenge Underground [1975], Bedford, Bruce L.

Celebrated American Caves [1955], Mohr, Charles E., and Sloane, Howard N.

Caves [1976], Laycock, George

Au Coeure Des Montagnes [1960], d'Ursel, Pierre

The Story of Caves [1956], Sterling, Dorothy

My Caves [1947], Casteret, Norbert

Memoirs of a Speleologist - The Adventurous Life of a Famous French Cave Explorer [1975], de Joly, Robert

Caves of Adventure [1953], Tazieff, Haroun

Depths of the Earth [1966], Halliday, William R.

The Descent of Pierre Saint-Martin [1954], Casteret, Norbert

Subterranean Climbers Twelve Years in the Worlds Deepest Chasm [1975], Chevalier, Pierre

Men of Pierre Saint-Martin [1956], Attout, Jacques

Exploring American Caves [1962], Folsom, Franklin

New England's Buried Treasure [1946], Perry, Clay

Depths of the Earth Caves and Cavers of the United States [1976], Halliday, William R.

Adventure is Underground [1959], Halliday, William R.

The Cave Explorers [1981], Eyre, Jim

Ma Vie Adventuruse d'Explorateur d'Abimes [1968], de Joly, Robert

Des Abimes et des Hommes [1966], Griosel, Yves

Adventure in Deepmore Cave [1965], Casewit, Curtis

Potholing: Beneath the Northern Pennines [1964], Heap, David

Caving: Episodes of Underground Exploration [1932] [republish 1970], Baker, Ernest A.

More Years Under the Earth [1962], Casteret, Norbert

Ten Years Under the Earth [1938] [Third printing], Casteret, Norbert

Down to the Sunless Sea [1977], Boon, John Michael

The Jewel Cave Adventure; Fifty miles of Discovery Under South Dakota [1977], Conn, Herb, and Conn, Jan

The Adventure of Caving: A Beginners Guide for Exploring Caves Softly and Safely [1996], McClurg, David R.

Subterranean Climbers [1951], Chevalier, Pierre

The Mysterious World of Caves [1971], Bauer, Ernst

Trapped in a Cave [1993], Morris, Deborah

Deep Down - Potholing [1961], Hogg, Gary

Underground Empire [1948], Perry, Clay

Solo [1973], Roskolenko, Harry

Cave Passages [1996], Taylor, Michael Ray

The World of Caves [1976], Waltham, A.C.

Adventures at Mark Twain Cave [1973], Weaver, H. Dwight


Aircraft Metals (Navy training course) [1944],


Alabama Caves and Caverns (copy) [1973], Varnedoe, William W.

Fern Cave: the History of the Discovery, Exploration and Mapping [1972], Myrick, Donal R.

Exploring Alabama Caves - Geological Survey Bulletin 102 [1973], Daniel, Thomas W. Jr., and Coe, William D.

Alexander Caverns

Alexander Caverns [1973], Speece, Jack H.


The Amateurs Guide to Caves and Caving [1973], McClurg, David R.


Caves of the San Juan Plateau AMCS Bulletin 7 [1977], Stone, Bill, and Jameson, Roy

Caves of the Inter-American Highway AMCS Bulletin 1 (copy) [1967], Russell, William H., and Raines, Terry W.

Sotano de las Golondrinas AMCS Bulletin 2 [1968], Raines, Terry W.

AMCS Activities Newsletter No. 9 [1979],

AMCS Activities Newsletter No. 1 to No. 7 (reprint),

AMCS Activities Newsletter No. 8 [1978],

Further Studies on the Cavernicole Fauna of Mexico and Adjacent Regions [1982], Reddell, James R.

AMCS Bulletin

Caves of the San Juan Plateau AMCS Bulletin 7 [1977], Stone, Bill, and Jameson, Roy

Caves of the Inter-American Highway AMCS Bulletin 1 (copy) [1967], Russell, William H., and Raines, Terry W.

Sotano de las Golondrinas AMCS Bulletin 2 [1968], Raines, Terry W.

AMCS Newsletter

A Preliminary Report on the Zacapoaxtla-Cuetzalan Area, Northern Puebla, Mexico AMCS Newsletter Vol. IV, No. 5-6 [1974], Davis, Nevin W.

Additional Caves in the Vicinity of Xochitlan AMCS Newsletter Vol IV Number 5-6 [1974], Reddell, James R.

AMCS Activities Newsletter No. 9 [1979],

AMCS Activities Newsletter No. 1 to No. 7 (reprint),

AMCS Activities Newsletter No. 8 [1978],


Bats of America [1969], Barbour, Roger W., and Davis, Wayne H.

Caving in America - The Story of the NSS 1941-1991 [1991], Damon, Paul H. Sr.


Celebrated American Caves [1955], Mohr, Charles E., and Sloane, Howard N.

Celebrated American Caverns [1970], Hovey, Horace Carter

Visiting American Caves [1966], Sloane, Howard N., and Gurnee, Russell H.

American Caves and Caving; Techniques, Pleasures and Safeguards of Modern Cave Exploration [1974], Halliday, William R.

American Miners' Carbide Lamps [1987], Clemmer, Gregg S.

American Caving - Illustrated [1965], Storey, J. Welborn

American Bottoms

The "American Bottoms" Region of Eastern Greene County, Indiana - A Type Unit in Southern Indiana Physiography [1919] [Reprint 1996], Malott, Clyde A.


A Study of Fountain National Park and Fountain Cavern [1989], Gurnee, Jeanne

Apache Mountain

Geology of the Delaware Basin, Guadalupe, Apache, and Glass Mountains, New Mexico and West Texas [1996], Hill, Carol A.


Appalachian Karst [1991], Kastning, Ernst H., and Kastning, Karen M.

Guidebook to the Karst of the Central Appalachians [1981], Werner, Eberhard


The Hill-Caves of Yucatan [1975], Mercer, Henry C.

Caves and the Marvelous World Beneath Us [1966], Stenuit, Robert


HRCS The Hualapai Reservation Cave Survey, Wefer, Fred L.

Arizona's Fabulous Grand Canyon,


Map Reading and Land Navigation (Army Field Manual 21-26) [1987],


Palaeolithic Cave Art [1967], Ucko, Peter J., and Rosenfeld, Andree

The Cave of Rouffignac [1958], Nougier, Louis-Rene, and Robert, Romain

The Art of Caving (drawings by Linda Helsop) [1996], Helsop, Linda

From the Mouth of the Dark Cave [1991], Bassie-Sweet, Karen

Articles Of Incorporation

BCCS Articles of Incorporation (copy) BCCS Misc,

Ashley Cave

Ozark Stories of the Upper Current River, Vickery, Margaret Ray

Astraka Plateau

The 1977 Descent of Provatina,

Greece (blue folder),


The Underground Atlas [1986], Middleton, John, and Waltham, Tony

Atlas of the Great Caves of the World [1989], Courbon, Paul, Chabert, Claude, Bosted, Peter, and Lindsley, Karen

Atlas des Grands Gouffres du Monde [1972], Courbon, Paul


Oliver Trickett 1847-1934 [1991], Middleton, Gregory J.

Australian Caves and Caving [1972], Kahrau, Wolfgang

Undara Volcano and its Lava Tubes [1995], Atkinson, Anne, and Atkinson, Vernon

Bungonia Caves [1972] [reprint 1977],


A Study of Harrison's Cave, Barbados, West Indies [1978], Gurnee, Jeanne

Caves of Barbados, West Indies [1991], Gurnee, Russell H., and Gurnee, Jeanne

Safety, Environmental, and Maintenance Study of Harrison's Cave, Welchman Hall, St. Thomas, Barbados, WI [1986], Gurnee, Russell H., and Gurnee, Jeanne

A Study of Environmental Factors in Harrison's Cave, Barbados, West Indies [1994], Hobbs, Horton H. III


Bat Bomb; World War II's Other Secret Weapon [1992], Couffer, Jack

Bats of America [1969], Barbour, Roger W., and Davis, Wayne H.

Caves and the Marvelous World Beneath Us [1966], Stenuit, Robert

The Bat House Builder's Handbook [1993], Tuttle, Merlin D., and Hensley, Donna L.

Battlefield Cave

Battlefield Cave Notebook,


BCCS Articles of Incorporation (copy) BCCS Misc,

Bylaws of the BCCS (copy) BCCS Misc,

BCCS Survey Training Course, Wefer, Fred L.

BCCS Cartography Committee,

BCCS History - Two Volumes - Assorted Papers,

BCCS Letters - Three Volumes,

BCCS Newsletter Vol. 1, 1976 - Vol. 24, 1999,

Profile of the BCCS - Presentation with Viewgraphs [1991], Wefer, Fred L.


A Dictionary of Karst and Caves - BCRA Cave Studies Series No. 6 [1955], Lowe, David, and Waltham, Tony


The Cave Bear Story; Life and Death of a Vanished Animal [1976], Kurten, Bjorn


Belaying the Leader; An Omnibus on Climbing Safety [1965], Leonard, Richard M., Wexler, Arnold, Siri, William, Wilts, Charles, Brower, David, Harris, Morgan, and Pridham, May

Berger Chasm

One Thousand Metres Down A Journey to the Starless River [1957], Cadoux, Jean et.al.


An Annotated Bibliography of Cave Meteorology [1990], Wefer, Fred L.

Big Caves National Monument

Maws - Big Cave National Monument [1976], Noswat, Erd


Oliver Trickett 1847-1934 [1991], Middleton, Gregory J.

Men of Pierre Saint-Martin [1956], Attout, Jacques

La "Geste" de Robert De Joly [1968], Geze, Bernard

One Man's Dream - Discoverer of Carlsbad Caverns ]1957], Caiar, Ruth


Breakthroughs in Karst Geomicrobiology and Redox Geochemistry [1994], Sasowsky, Ira D., and Palmer, Margaret V.

Adaptation and Natural Selection in Caves - Evolution of Gammarus minus [1995], Culver, David C., Kane, Thomas C., and Fong, Daniel W.


Conservation and Protection of the Biota of Karst - Karst Water Institute [1997], Sasowsky, Ira D., Fong, Daniel W., and White, Elizabeth L.

Black Hills

A Guide to the Caves of the Black Hills, S.D. [1962], Wilber, Robert

Bobcat Cave

A Management Plan for Butler and Bobcat Cave, Bath County, Virginia (copy) BCCS Misc,


Bat Bomb; World War II's Other Secret Weapon [1992], Couffer, Jack


Giant Caves of Borneo [1992], Meredith, Mike, and Wooldridge, Jerry

Breathing Cave

Cave Development in Burnsville Cove, West-Central Virginia, with Special Reference to Breathing Cave (thesis) [1960], Deike, George H. III

Breathing Cave Phenomenon,


Underground Britain - Guide to Wild and Show Caves in England, Scotland and Wales [1985], Bedford, Bruce L.

Discovering Caves - Show caves of Britain [1972], Oldham, Tony, and Oldham, Anne


British Caving - An Introduction to Speleology [1962], Cullingford, C.H.D.

British Karst Research

British Karst Research Expedition to the Himalaya [1970], Waltham, A.C.

British West Indies

A Study of Fountain National Park and Fountain Cavern [1989], Gurnee, Jeanne

British-Malaysian Expedition

Caves of Mulu '80 [1981], Eavis, A.J.


The Cave Explorers [1981], Eyre, Jim


Caves of the San Juan Plateau AMCS Bulletin 7 [1977], Stone, Bill, and Jameson, Roy

Caves of the Inter-American Highway AMCS Bulletin 1 (copy) [1967], Russell, William H., and Raines, Terry W.

Sotano de las Golondrinas AMCS Bulletin 2 [1968], Raines, Terry W.

Caves of Wyoming - Geological Survey Bulletin 59 [1976], Hill, Chris, Sutherland, Wayne, and Tierney, Lee

NSS Bulletin - Journal of Cave and Karst Studies Vol 1 - Vol. 61 No. 2,


Bungonia Caves [1972] [reprint 1977],

Burnsville Cove

Cave Development in Burnsville Cove, West-Central Virginia, with Special Reference to Breathing Cave (thesis) [1960], Deike, George H. III

Butler Cave

Butler Miscellaneous, Wefer, Fred L.

A Management Plan for Butler and Bobcat Cave, Bath County, Virginia (copy) BCCS Misc,

Butler Computer Program Source Listings

Butler Miscellaneous, Wefer, Fred L.

Butler System Survey Status 5/14/1985

Butler Miscellaneous, Wefer, Fred L.


Bylaws of the BCCS (copy) BCCS Misc,


ICM in Compass & Tape,


Caves of California (copy) [1962], Halliday, William R.


Carlsbad, Caves, and a Camera [1978], Nymeyer, Robert


American Caving - Illustrated [1965], Storey, J. Welborn

Manual of Caving Techniques [1969], Cullingford, C.H.D.


Cave Exploration in Canada [1976], Thompson, Peter

Castleguard [1985], Muir, Dalton, and Ford, Derek

Canyon Art

Voices from the Stone Age [1974], Mazonowicz, Douglas


Grottes et Canyons [1977], Minvielle, Pierre

Craters, Caverns and Canyons - Delving Beneath the Earth's Surface [1993], Erickson, Jon


Capital Area Cavers Bulletin 1 [1982], Anderson, Bob, and Baker, Linda


American Miners' Carbide Lamps [1987], Clemmer, Gregg S.

Carlsbad Caverns

Carlsbad, Caves, and a Camera [1978], Nymeyer, Robert

One Man's Dream - Discoverer of Carlsbad Caverns ]1957], Caiar, Ruth

Draft General Management Plan / Environmental Impact Statement Carlsbad Caverns National Park [1995],

The Big Cave - Carlsbad Caverns [1956], Long, Abijah, and Long, Joe N.

Jim White's Own Story, White, Jim

Jim Whites Story of Carlsbad Caverns,

Geology of Carlsbad Cavern and other caves in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico and Texas [1987], Hill, Carol A.

Carlsbad Caverns National Park

Guide Book to Carlsbad Caverns National Park [1960], Spangle, Paul F.

Carlsbad Caverns National Park [1969], Barnett, John

Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Barnett, John

Carlsbad Caverns National Park,


Cave Surveying and Mapping [1971], Hosley, Robert J.

ICM in Compass & Tape,

BCCS Cartography Committee,

How to Lie with Maps [1971], Monmonier, Mark

The Story of Maps [1949, 1977], Brown, Lloyd A.

The Power of Maps [1972], Wood, Denis

Mapping [1964], Greenhood, David

On Station [1994], Dasher, George R.

Digital Representations of Karst - A Prospectus [1989], Ganter, John H.

An Introduction to Cave Map Reading [1980], Thomson, Kenneth C.

A Systematic Guide to Making Your First Cave Map [1986], Ganter, John H.

The Art of Cave Mapping [1991], Thomson, Kenneth C., and Taylor, Robert L.

An Introduction to Cave Mapping [1985], Thomson, Kenneth C., and Taylor, Robert L.


Right in It [1992], Eyers, Jim

There we was! [1961], Helmer, Bill

Castleguard Cave

Castleguard [1985], Muir, Dalton, and Ford, Derek


Cueva Catanamatis (red notebook), Wefer, Fred L.

Cave Art

Voices from the Stone Age [1974], Mazonowicz, Douglas

Cave Regions

The Underground Atlas [1986], Middleton, John, and Waltham, Tony

Cave Spring

Ozark Stories of the Upper Current River, Vickery, Margaret Ray

Cave Survey

Tennesee Cave Survey Bulletin 1 (4th Ed.) [1994], Matthews, Larry E.


The Outlaws in Cave-in-Rock [1996], Rothert, Otto A.


Further Studies on the Cavernicole Fauna of Mexico and Adjacent Regions [1982], Reddell, James R.


Craters, Caverns and Canyons - Delving Beneath the Earth's Surface [1993], Erickson, Jon

Caverns Measureless to Man [1994], Exley, Sheck

Caving Guide

Adventures of Caving [1986], McClurg, David R.

Cavers, Caves, and Caving [1977], Sloane, Bruce

The Amateurs Guide to Caves and Caving [1973], McClurg, David R.

Caves [1995], Kramer, Stephen

Caving [1969], Lovelock, James

Venturing Underground: The new Speleo's Guide [1983], Lyon, Ben

Caving Practice and Equipment [1984], Judson, David

Caving: the Sierra Club Guide to Spelunking [1982], Larson, Lane, and Larson, Peggy

Vertical Caving [1986], Meredith, Mike, and Martinez, Dan

American Caving - Illustrated [1965], Storey, J. Welborn

Manual of Caving Techniques [1969], Cullingford, C.H.D.


Celebrated American Caves [1955], Mohr, Charles E., and Sloane, Howard N.

Celebrated American Caverns [1970], Hovey, Horace Carter


Challenge Underground [1975], Bedford, Bruce L.


Subterranean Climbers Twelve Years in the Worlds Deepest Chasm [1975], Chevalier, Pierre

Subterranean Climbers [1951], Chevalier, Pierre


Breakthroughs in Karst Geomicrobiology and Redox Geochemistry [1994], Sasowsky, Ira D., and Palmer, Margaret V.


Karst in China [1976],

Cigalere Cave

More Years Under the Earth [1962], Casteret, Norbert

Climate Change

Climate Change: The Karst Record - KWI [1996], Lauritzen, Stein-Erik


Subterranean Climbers Twelve Years in the Worlds Deepest Chasm [1975], Chevalier, Pierre

Subterranean Climbers [1951], Chevalier, Pierre


Mountaineering, The Freedom of the Hills [1966], Manning, Harvey

Advanced Rockcraft [1973], Robbins, Royal

Basic Rockcraft [1971], Robbins, Royal

Belaying the Leader; An Omnibus on Climbing Safety [1965], Leonard, Richard M., Wexler, Arnold, Siri, William, Wilts, Charles, Brower, David, Harris, Morgan, and Pridham, May

American Caving - Illustrated [1965], Storey, J. Welborn

Manual of Caving Techniques [1969], Cullingford, C.H.D.

Vertical [1990], Warlid, Alan

Rappel Manual [1993], Frank, James A., and Patterson, Donald E.

Nylon Highway Vol. 1, 1974 - Vol. No. 44,

Coeure Des Montagnes

Au Coeure Des Montagnes [1960], d'Ursel, Pierre

Coffee Table Book

Karst in China [1976],

Castleguard [1985], Muir, Dalton, and Ford, Derek

The World of Caves [1976], Waltham, A.C.

Lechuguilla - Jewel of the Underground [1991], Taylor, Michael Ray

Radiant Darkness - The Wonderful World of Caves [1967], Bogli, Alfred, and Franke, Herbert W.


Caves of Colorado [1973], Parris, Lloyd E.

Breakthroughs in Karst Geomicrobiology and Redox Geochemistry [1994], Sasowsky, Ira D., and Palmer, Margaret V.

Compass & Tape

ICM in Compass & Tape,

Compass & Tape Vol. 1 No. 1, 1983 - Vol. 14 No. 1, 1999,


Stage-4 Viewgraphs, Wefer, Fred L.

Computer Cave Mapping

ICM in Compass & Tape,

Computerization Of The Cave Map Overheads

Gray Unmarked Notebook, Wefer, Fred L.

Congress Of Speleology

Guidebook to Karst and Caves of Tennessee and Missouri; Eighth International Congress of Speology [1981], Crawford, Nicholas, and Vineyard, Jerry D.

Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Speleology Vol 1 and II [1981],


The Longest Cave [1976], Brucker, Roger W., and Watson, Richard A.

The Grand Kentucky Junction [1984],


Conservation and Protection of the Biota of Karst - Karst Water Institute [1997], Sasowsky, Ira D., Fong, Daniel W., and White, Elizabeth L.


Water Tracers Cookbook - Missouri [1976], Aley, Tom, and Fletcher, Mickey W.


Miscellaneous Correspondence,


BCCS Survey Training Course, Wefer, Fred L.

Basic Cave Rescue Orientation Course Study Guide [1990],


Craters, Caverns and Canyons - Delving Beneath the Earth's Surface [1993], Erickson, Jon

Craven Pothole Club

Journal of the Craven Pothole Club Vol. 5 No. 3, 1975,


CRF Notes & Newsletters, ; Sum 1976; Oct 1976; Feb 1977; Sum 1977; Oct 1977; Feb 1978; 12,Mar 1979; Jul 1979; Feb 1980; Jul 1980; Oct 1980; Dec 1980; Jan 1981; Jun 1981; Jul 1982; Dec 1982; Feb 1983; May 1983; Aug 1983; Nov 1983; May 1984; Aug 1984

Crystal Cave

The Caves Beyond The Story of the Floyd Collins Crystal Cave Exploration [1955], Lawrence, Joe Jr., and Brucker, Roger W.

Crystal Cave (Sequoia Nat. Pk.), Oberhansley, Frank R.

Crystal Lake Cave

Your Guide to Crystal Lake Cave [1976], Kehret, Roger

Cueva Catanamatis

Cueva Catanamatis (red notebook), Wefer, Fred L.

Cueva De Cristian

Cueva De Cristian Map [1968],

Mexico 1968,

Cueva De El Chorreadero

Cueva De El Chorreadero Map [1971],

Cueva De La Barranca

Cueva De La Barranca Map [1968],

Cueva De La Laja

Cueva De La Laja Map [1968],

Cueva De La Pena Colorado

Cueva de la Pena Colorado Map [1984],

Cueva La Florida N.1 Y N.2

Cueva La Florida N.1 Y N.2 Map [1968],

Current River

Ozark Stories of the Upper Current River, Vickery, Margaret Ray


The Darkness Under the Earth [1954], Casteret, Norbert

Davis, Nevin W.

Nomination of Nevin W. Davis for the Lew Bicking Award [1991], Wefer, Fred L.

De Joly, Robert

La "Geste" de Robert De Joly [1968], Geze, Bernard


Life and Death Underground [1963], Lovelock, James

Deepmore Cave

Adventure in Deepmore Cave [1965], Casewit, Curtis

Delaneys Cave

History of Laurel Caverns [1976], Damon, Paul


The Cave of Delaware [1977], Speece, Jack H.

Delaware Basin

Geology of the Delaware Basin, Guadalupe, Apache, and Glass Mountains, New Mexico and West Texas [1996], Hill, Carol A.

Dent De Crolles

Subterranean Climbers Twelve Years in the Worlds Deepest Chasm [1975], Chevalier, Pierre

Subterranean Climbers [1951], Chevalier, Pierre


Depths of the Earth [1966], Halliday, William R.

Depths of the Earth Caves and Cavers of the United States [1976], Halliday, William R.


The 1977 Descent of Provatina,

The Descent of Pierre Saint-Martin [1954], Casteret, Norbert

Descent - Magazine for Cavers and Potholers No. 1 1969 - No. 37 1977,


The Darkness Beckons; The History and Development of Cave Diving [ 1980], Farr, Martyn

Caves: Processes, Development, Management [1996], Gillieson, David

Cave Development in Burnsville Cove, West-Central Virginia, with Special Reference to Breathing Cave (thesis) [1960], Deike, George H. III

Cavern Development in the Helderberg Plateau, East-Central New York (thesis) [1975], Kastning, Ernst H.

Cavern Development in the Guadalupe Mountains [1977], Jagnow, David Henry

Adventures at Mark Twain Cave [1973], Weaver, H. Dwight

Devil's Well

Ozark Stories of the Upper Current River, Vickery, Margaret Ray

Dew Point Temperature

Psychrometric Tables (copy) 1941], Marvin, C.F.


A Dictionary of Karst and Caves - BCRA Cave Studies Series No. 6 [1955], Lowe, David, and Waltham, Tony


Manual of Caving Techniques [1969], Cullingford, C.H.D.


Digital Representations of Karst - A Prospectus [1989], Ganter, John H.


Discovery at Rio Camuy [1974], Gurnee, Russell H., and Gurnee, Jeanne

Discovery of Luray Caverns, Virginia [1978], Gurnee, Russell H.

Discovery and Exploration of Oregon Caves [1971], Walsh, Frank K., and Halliday, William R.


The Great Caving Adventure [1984], Farr, Martyn

Caverns Measureless to Man [1994], Exley, Sheck

The Darkness Beckons; The History and Development of Cave Diving [ 1980], Farr, Martyn

Down to a Sunless Sea [1996], Poyer, David

The Art of Safe Cave Diving [1995], Saltsman, Dayton

Basic Cave Diving - a blueprint for survival [1986], Exley, Sheck

The Wakulla Project,

Dominican Republic

Megatek Folder, Wefer, Fred L.

Dominican Republic Expedition Material (blue folder), Wefer, Fred L.


The Art of Caving (drawings by Linda Helsop) [1996], Helsop, Linda


One Man's Dream - Discoverer of Carlsbad Caverns ]1957], Caiar, Ruth


The Almost Complete Eclectic Caver [1992], Engel, Thom


Caverns of West Virginia: West Virginia Geological Survey: Geologic and Economic Survey Vol XIX A. [1958], Davies, William E.


Caves in Kansas; Geological Survey Educational Series 9 [1993], Young, James, and Beard, Jonathan

Ellison's Cave

The Exploration & Survey of Ellison's Cave, Georgia [1977], Smith, Marion O.


Life and Death Underground [1963], Lovelock, James

A Tour of the Caves in the environs of Ingleborough and Settle [1780] [Republish 1970], Hutton, John

The World of Caves [1958], Lubke, Anton

The Cave Explorers [1981], Eyre, Jim

Potholing: Beneath the Northern Pennines [1964], Heap, David

Caving: Episodes of Underground Exploration [1932] [republish 1970], Baker, Ernest A.

Down to the Sunless Sea [1977], Boon, John Michael

Caves [1974], Waltham, Tony

Caving [1969], Lovelock, James

Underground Britain - Guide to Wild and Show Caves in England, Scotland and Wales [1985], Bedford, Bruce L.

Limestones and Caves of Wales [1989], Ford, Trevor D.

British Caving - An Introduction to Speleology [1962], Cullingford, C.H.D.

Journal of the Craven Pothole Club Vol. 5 No. 3, 1975,


Safety, Environmental, and Maintenance Study of Harrison's Cave, Welchman Hall, St. Thomas, Barbados, WI [1986], Gurnee, Russell H., and Gurnee, Jeanne

How to Shit in the Woods [1989], Meyer, Kathleen

Speleology - Caves and the Environment [1997], Moore, George W., and Sullivan, Nicholas

A Study of Environmental Factors in Harrison's Cave, Barbados, West Indies [1994], Hobbs, Horton H. III

Draft General Management Plan / Environmental Impact Statement Carlsbad Caverns National Park [1995],


Caving: Episodes of Underground Exploration [1932] [republish 1970], Baker, Ernest A.


Caving Practice and Equipment [1984], Judson, David


Adaptation and Natural Selection in Caves - Evolution of Gammarus minus [1995], Culver, David C., Kane, Thomas C., and Fong, Daniel W.


Caves of Mulu '80 [1981], Eavis, A.J.

Caves of Mulu '84 [1985], Eavis, A.J.

The Great Caving Adventure [1984], Farr, Martyn

British Karst Research Expedition to the Himalaya [1970], Waltham, A.C.

Caving Expeditions [1986], Willis, Dick

Dominican Republic Expedition Material (blue folder), Wefer, Fred L.


The Exploration & Survey of Ellison's Cave, Georgia [1977], Smith, Marion O.

The Complete Book of Cave Exploration [1962], Pinney, Roy

The Complete Book of Cave Exploration [1962], Pinney, Roy

Cave Exploring [1974], Anderson, Jennifer

Gaping Gill - 150 Years of Exploration [1984], Beck, Howard M.

The Caves Beyond The Story of the Floyd Collins Crystal Cave Exploration [1955], Lawrence, Joe Jr., and Brucker, Roger W.

Exploring American Caves [1962], Folsom, Franklin

Ghar Parau [1973], Judson, David

One Thousand Metres Down A Journey to the Starless River [1957], Cadoux, Jean et.al.

The Darkness Under the Earth [1954], Casteret, Norbert

Ma Vie Adventuruse d'Explorateur d'Abimes [1968], de Joly, Robert

Caving: Episodes of Underground Exploration [1932] [republish 1970], Baker, Ernest A.

The Longest Cave [1976], Brucker, Roger W., and Watson, Richard A.

Ten Years Under the Earth [1938] [Third printing], Casteret, Norbert

Down to the Sunless Sea [1977], Boon, John Michael

Exploring Caves [1959], Longsworth, Polly

Discovery at Rio Camuy [1974], Gurnee, Russell H., and Gurnee, Jeanne

The Jewel Cave Adventure; Fifty miles of Discovery Under South Dakota [1977], Conn, Herb, and Conn, Jan

Caves [1974], Waltham, Tony

Cave Exploration in Canada [1976], Thompson, Peter

Fern Cave: the History of the Discovery, Exploration and Mapping [1972], Myrick, Donal R.

History of Cave Science - The exploration and study of limestone caves to 1900 [1979], Shaw, Trevor R.

Exploring Alabama Caves - Geological Survey Bulletin 102 [1973], Daniel, Thomas W. Jr., and Coe, William D.

An Introduction to Caves and Cave Expoloration in Georgia [1980], Beck, Barry F.

Marvel Cave Its Discovry and Exploration [1974], Martin, Ronald L.

Discovery and Exploration of Oregon Caves [1971], Walsh, Frank K., and Halliday, William R.


The Cave Explorers [1981], Eyre, Jim


The Adventure of Caving: A Beginners Guide for Exploring Caves Softly and Safely [1996], McClurg, David R.


Pennsylvania Caves Geological Survey Fourth Series Bulletin G3 [1932], Stone, Ralph W.

The Life of the Cave: Our Living World of Nature [1966], Mohr, Charles E., and Poulson, Thomas L.

Further Studies on the Cavernicole Fauna of Mexico and Adjacent Regions [1982], Reddell, James R.

Adaptation and Natural Selection in Caves - Evolution of Gammarus minus [1995], Culver, David C., Kane, Thomas C., and Fong, Daniel W.

Flattened Fauna [1987], Knutson, Roger M.


An Illustrated Glossary of Lava Tube Features [1993], Larson, Charles V.

Exploring Alabama Caves - Geological Survey Bulletin 102 [1973], Daniel, Thomas W. Jr., and Coe, William D.

Fern Cave

Fern Cave: the History of the Discovery, Exploration and Mapping [1972], Myrick, Donal R.


Adventure in Deepmore Cave [1965], Casewit, Curtis

Under Plowman's Floor [1978], Watson, Richard

The Cave [1959], Warren, Robert Penn

Down to a Sunless Sea [1996], Poyer, David

Sex, Lies, and Survey Tape [1995], Simpson, Lou

Maws - Big Cave National Monument [1976], Noswat, Erd

Reflections - A look at the 'Spelaeodes' and other cave sagas. [1971], Alfie

Flash Photography

Images Below: A Manual of Underground and Flash Photography [1997], Howes, Chris


Flattened Fauna [1987], Knutson, Roger M.

Flint Ridge

The Longest Cave [1976], Brucker, Roger W., and Watson, Richard A.

The Grand Kentucky Junction [1984],

Floyd Collins

The Caves Beyond The Story of the Floyd Collins Crystal Cave Exploration [1955], Lawrence, Joe Jr., and Brucker, Roger W.

Life and Death Underground [1963], Lovelock, James

Trapped (rescue Floyd Colins) [1979], Murray, Robert K., and Brucker, Roger W.

Solo [1973], Roskolenko, Harry

Fountain Cavern

A Study of Fountain National Park and Fountain Cavern [1989], Gurnee, Jeanne

Fountain National Park

A Study of Fountain National Park and Fountain Cavern [1989], Gurnee, Jeanne


Le Gouffre de la Pierre Saint-martin [1976], Tazieff, Haroun

Memoirs of a Speleologist - The Adventurous Life of a Famous French Cave Explorer [1975], de Joly, Robert

Caves of Adventure [1953], Tazieff, Haroun

The Descent of Pierre Saint-Martin [1954], Casteret, Norbert

Subterranean Climbers Twelve Years in the Worlds Deepest Chasm [1975], Chevalier, Pierre

Men of Pierre Saint-Martin [1956], Attout, Jacques

One Thousand Metres Down A Journey to the Starless River [1957], Cadoux, Jean et.al.

The Darkness Under the Earth [1954], Casteret, Norbert

The Cave Explorers [1981], Eyre, Jim

Ma Vie Adventuruse d'Explorateur d'Abimes [1968], de Joly, Robert

Des Abimes et des Hommes [1966], Griosel, Yves

More Years Under the Earth [1962], Casteret, Norbert

Ten Years Under the Earth [1938] [Third printing], Casteret, Norbert

The Cave of Rouffignac [1958], Nougier, Louis-Rene, and Robert, Romain

Subterranean Climbers [1951], Chevalier, Pierre

The Caves of France and Northern Spain [1962], Sieveking, Ann, and Sieveking, Gale

French Language

Grottes et Canyons [1977], Minvielle, Pierre

Le Gouffre de la Pierre Saint-martin [1976], Tazieff, Haroun

Au Coeure Des Montagnes [1960], d'Ursel, Pierre

Ma Vie Adventuruse d'Explorateur d'Abimes [1968], de Joly, Robert

Des Abimes et des Hommes [1966], Griosel, Yves

La "Geste" de Robert De Joly [1968], Geze, Bernard

Atlas des Grands Gouffres du Monde [1972], Courbon, Paul

Friars Hole System

Capital Area Cavers Bulletin 1 [1982], Anderson, Bob, and Baker, Linda

Gammarus Minus

Adaptation and Natural Selection in Caves - Evolution of Gammarus minus [1995], Culver, David C., Kane, Thomas C., and Fong, Daniel W.

Gaping Ghyll Cavern

Gaping Gill - 150 Years of Exploration [1984], Beck, Howard M.

Gaping Gill

Gaping Gill - 150 Years of Exploration [1984], Beck, Howard M.


The Underground Atlas [1986], Middleton, John, and Waltham, Tony

Gazetteer of Place Names in Lee Cave [1975], Crowther, Patricia P.


Genetic Relationship Between Caves and Landforms in the Mammoth Cave National Park Area [1972], Miotke, Franz-Dieter, and Palmer, Arthur N.

GEO Squared

GEO Squared Vol. 1 - Vol. 26 No. 1, 1999,


Breakthroughs in Karst Geomicrobiology and Redox Geochemistry [1994], Sasowsky, Ira D., and Palmer, Margaret V.

Geographic Information Systems

Geographic Information Systems and Automated Mapping Systems Guide [1993], Hildenberger, R.A., Hirsch, S.A., Jameson, W.A., and Smith, H Gregory

Geological Survey

Caves of Wyoming - Geological Survey Bulletin 59 [1976], Hill, Chris, Sutherland, Wayne, and Tierney, Lee

Caves of Indiana Geological Survey Circular 8 [1961], Powell, Richard L.

Pennsylvania Caves Geological Survey Fourth Series Bulletin G3 [1932], Stone, Ralph W.

Caves in Kansas; Geological Survey Educational Series 9 [1993], Young, James, and Beard, Jonathan


Geology of the Delaware Basin, Guadalupe, Apache, and Glass Mountains, New Mexico and West Texas [1996], Hill, Carol A.

Craters, Caverns and Canyons - Delving Beneath the Earth's Surface [1993], Erickson, Jon

Caves of Tennessee - Geology Bulletin 64 [1961], Barr, Thomas C. Jr.

A Geological Guide to Mammoth Cave National Park [1981], Palmer, Arthur N.

Caves of Washington - Geology Circular 40 [1963], Halliday, William R.

Vermont Caves: A Geologic and Historical Guide [1994], Quick, Peter Gunder

Karst: an Introduction to Systematic Geomorphology Vol 7 [1971], Jennings, Joseph Newell

Caves: Processes, Development, Management [1996], Gillieson, David

Caverns of West Virginia: West Virginia Geological Survey: Geologic and Economic Survey Vol XIX A. [1958], Davies, William E.

Caves of Tennessee - Geology Bulletin 64 [1961], Barr, Thomas C. Jr.

Limestones and Caves of Wales [1989], Ford, Trevor D.

Descriptions of Tennessee Caves [1971], Matthews, Larry E.

Cave Geology Vol. 1, No. 1, 1975 - Vol. 2, No. 4, 1999 [1999],

Exploring Alabama Caves - Geological Survey Bulletin 102 [1973], Daniel, Thomas W. Jr., and Coe, William D.

The Geology of Jewel Cave, Thompson, James B.

Geology of Carlsbad Cavern and other caves in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico and Texas [1987], Hill, Carol A.


Breakthroughs in Karst Geomicrobiology and Redox Geochemistry [1994], Sasowsky, Ira D., and Palmer, Margaret V.


Karst: an Introduction to Systematic Geomorphology Vol 7 [1971], Jennings, Joseph Newell

Geomorphology and Hydrology of Karst Terrains [1988], White, William B.

Speleogenesis and Karst Geomorphology of the Helderberg Plateau, Schoharie Counte, New York [ 1977], Mylorie, John E.


The Exploration & Survey of Ellison's Cave, Georgia [1977], Smith, Marion O.

An Introduction to Caves and Cave Expoloration in Georgia [1980], Beck, Barry F.

Georgia Speleological Survey

GSS Bulletins 1970-1974 [reprint 1994],

Ghar Parau

Ghar Parau [1973], Judson, David


Geographic Information Systems and Automated Mapping Systems Guide [1993], Hildenberger, R.A., Hirsch, S.A., Jameson, W.A., and Smith, H Gregory

Glass Mountain

Geology of the Delaware Basin, Guadalupe, Apache, and Glass Mountains, New Mexico and West Texas [1996], Hill, Carol A.


A Glossary of Speleology (copy) [ ], Muma, Martin H., and Muma, Kathrine E.

A Glossary of karst Terminology - Geological Survey Water-Supply paper 1899-K [1972], Monroe, Watson H.

A Dictionary of Karst and Caves - BCRA Cave Studies Series No. 6 [1955], Lowe, David, and Waltham, Tony

An Illustrated Glossary of Lava Tube Features [1993], Larson, Charles V.

Glow Worm

Waitomo Caves [1953] [reprint 1956], Richards, J.H.


Sotano de las Golondrinas AMCS Bulletin 2 [1968], Raines, Terry W.

Gouffre Martel Cave

More Years Under the Earth [1962], Casteret, Norbert

Grand Canyon

Arizona's Fabulous Grand Canyon,

Gravel Cave Survey Notes

Mexico 1968,


The 1977 Descent of Provatina,

Greece (blue folder),

The Cave Explorers [1981], Eyre, Jim

The Greek Caves [1984], Petrocheilou, Anna

Greene County

The "American Bottoms" Region of Eastern Greene County, Indiana - A Type Unit in Southern Indiana Physiography [1919] [Reprint 1996], Malott, Clyde A.


GSS Bulletins 1970-1974 [reprint 1994],

Guadalupe Mountains

Geology of the Delaware Basin, Guadalupe, Apache, and Glass Mountains, New Mexico and West Texas [1996], Hill, Carol A.

Cavern Development in the Guadalupe Mountains [1977], Jagnow, David Henry

Geology of Carlsbad Cavern and other caves in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico and Texas [1987], Hill, Carol A.


The Complete Book of Cave Exploration [1962], Pinney, Roy

Cavers, Caves, and Caving [1977], Sloane, Bruce

Rappelling, Edition II [1994], Martin, Tom

The Amateurs Guide to Caves and Caving [1973], McClurg, David R.

Surveying Caves [1976], Ellis, Bryan

Cave Exploring [1974], Anderson, Jennifer

Cave Surveying and Mapping [1971], Hosley, Robert J.

An Introduction to Cave Surveying [1988], Ellis, Bryan

A Guide to Wind Cave and Wind Cave National Park [1962], Tyers, John

A Guide to the Caves of the Black Hills, S.D. [1962], Wilber, Robert

Exploring American Caves [1962], Folsom, Franklin

A Geological Guide to Mammoth Cave National Park [1981], Palmer, Arthur N.

Gurnee Guide to American Caves [1990], Gurnee, Russell H., and Gurnee, Jeanne

A Guide to Responsible Caving, Sira, Adrian (Ed)

Going Underground - Your Guide to Caves in the Mid-Atlantic [1991], Silverman, Sharon Hernes

Vermont Caves: A Geologic and Historical Guide [1994], Quick, Peter Gunder

Venturing Underground: The new Speleo's Guide [1983], Lyon, Ben

The Adventure of Caving: A Beginners Guide for Exploring Caves Softly and Safely [1996], McClurg, David R.

Caving: the Sierra Club Guide to Spelunking [1982], Larson, Lane, and Larson, Peggy

SRT Single Rope Technique [1986], Elliot, Dave

Underground Britain - Guide to Wild and Show Caves in England, Scotland and Wales [1985], Bedford, Bruce L.

Single Rope Techniques - A Guide for Vertical Cavers [1977], Montgomery, Neil R.

A Guide to Speleological Literature of the English Language 1794-1996 [1998], Northup, Diana E., Mobley, Emily Davis, Ingham, Kenneth L. III, and Mixon, William W.

Basic Cave Rescue Orientation Course Study Guide [1990],

Caving Expeditions [1986], Willis, Dick

Geographic Information Systems and Automated Mapping Systems Guide [1993], Hildenberger, R.A., Hirsch, S.A., Jameson, W.A., and Smith, H Gregory

A Systematic Guide to Making Your First Cave Map [1986], Ganter, John H.

Guide to the Caves of Minnesota [1967], Hogberg, R.K., and Bayer, T.N.

Mountaineering Medicine - A Wilderness Medical Guide [1969], Darvill, Fred T. Jr.

Guide Book to Carlsbad Caverns National Park [1960], Spangle, Paul F.

The Timpanogos Cave Story [1973], Martin, George V.

Presenting 'The Wonders of Lost River' [1973], Armstrong, Robert R.

The Big Cave - Carlsbad Caverns [1956], Long, Abijah, and Long, Joe N.

Crystal Cave (Sequoia Nat. Pk.), Oberhansley, Frank R.

Your Guide to Spook Cave [1975], Kehret, Roger

Your Guide to Crystal Lake Cave [1976], Kehret, Roger

Alexander Caverns [1973], Speece, Jack H.

Your Guide to Mystery Cave [1974], Kehret, Roger

The Paradise Ice Caves [1972], Halliday, William R., and Anderson, Charles H.

Adventures at Mark Twain Cave [1973], Weaver, H. Dwight

The Lehman Caves Story [1972], Halladay, Orlynn J., and Peacock, Var Lynn

Discovery and Exploration of Oregon Caves [1971], Walsh, Frank K., and Halliday, William R.

Flattened Fauna [1987], Knutson, Roger M.

Carlsbad Caverns National Park [1969], Barnett, John

New Mexico - Pictorial Guide & Tour Map,

Ohio Caverns,

Onondaga - The Mammoth Cave of Missouri [1973], Weaver, H. Dwight, and Johnson, Paul A.

Arizona's Fabulous Grand Canyon,

Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Barnett, John

Carlsbad Caverns National Park,


Guidebook to Karst and Caves of Tennessee and Missouri; Eighth International Congress of Speology [1981], Crawford, Nicholas, and Vineyard, Jerry D.

Guidebook to the Historic Section of Mammoth Cave [1981], Palmer, Arthur N., Palmer, Margaret V., and White, William B.

Guidebook to the Karst of the Central Appalachians [1981], Werner, Eberhard

Gunong Mulu National Park

Caves of Mulu '80 [1981], Eavis, A.J.

Caves of Mulu '84 [1985], Eavis, A.J.

Gunung Buda

Caves of Gunung Buda [1995], Hacker, Bradley


Gurnee Guide to American Caves [1990], Gurnee, Russell H., and Gurnee, Jeanne


Wind Cave National Park Service Handbook 104 [1979],

The Bat House Builder's Handbook [1993], Tuttle, Merlin D., and Hensley, Donna L.


A Study of Environmental Factors in Harrison's Cave, Barbados, West Indies [1994], Hobbs, Horton H. III

Harrison's Cave

A Study of Harrison's Cave, Barbados, West Indies [1978], Gurnee, Jeanne

Safety, Environmental, and Maintenance Study of Harrison's Cave, Welchman Hall, St. Thomas, Barbados, WI [1986], Gurnee, Russell H., and Gurnee, Jeanne

Helderberg Plateau

Cavern Development in the Helderberg Plateau, East-Central New York (thesis) [1975], Kastning, Ernst H.

Speleogenesis and Karst Geomorphology of the Helderberg Plateau, Schoharie Counte, New York [ 1977], Mylorie, John E.


Meramec Caverns [1977], Weaver, H. Dwight


Nylon Highway Vol. 1, 1974 - Vol. No. 44,


The Hill-Caves of Yucatan [1975], Mercer, Henry C.


Mountaineering, The Freedom of the Hills [1966], Manning, Harvey


British Karst Research Expedition to the Himalaya [1970], Waltham, A.C.


From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan - Collected Writings [1983], Blavatsky, Helena Petrova


Guidebook to the Historic Section of Mammoth Cave [1981], Palmer, Arthur N., Palmer, Margaret V., and White, William B.


Race Against Time [1988], Eyre, Jim, and Frankland, John

The World of Caves [1958], Lubke, Anton

The Darkness Beckons; The History and Development of Cave Diving [ 1980], Farr, Martyn

Vermont Caves: A Geologic and Historical Guide [1994], Quick, Peter Gunder

Photo History of the "NSS News"; A reprint of the Wisconsin Speleologist" VOl 19, No. 2 [1985], Soule, Gary K.

Journal of Spelean History Vol. 1 No. 1, 1968 - Vol. 32 No. 1, 1998,

Fern Cave: the History of the Discovery, Exploration and Mapping [1972], Myrick, Donal R.

History of Cave Science - The exploration and study of limestone caves to 1900 [1979], Shaw, Trevor R.

Caves and the Marvelous World Beneath Us [1966], Stenuit, Robert

The Region Record - A History of the Virginia Region [1979],

BCCS History - Two Volumes - Assorted Papers,

BCCS Letters - Three Volumes,

Caving in America - The Story of the NSS 1941-1991 [1991], Damon, Paul H. Sr.

Minnesota Caves History and Legend,

Adventures at Mark Twain Cave [1973], Weaver, H. Dwight

Saltpetre Caves and Virginia History [1964], Faust, Burton

Discovery and Exploration of Oregon Caves [1971], Walsh, Frank K., and Halliday, William R.

The Story of Mammoth Cave National Park [1971], Bridwell, Margaret M.

Onondaga - The Mammoth Cave of Missouri [1973], Weaver, H. Dwight, and Johnson, Paul A.

History of Laurel Caverns [1976], Damon, Paul


The Bat House Builder's Handbook [1993], Tuttle, Merlin D., and Hensley, Donna L.


Australian Caves and Caving [1972], Kahrau, Wolfgang

Caving [1969], Lovelock, James

Venturing Underground: The new Speleo's Guide [1983], Lyon, Ben

Caving Practice and Equipment [1984], Judson, David

American Caves and Caving; Techniques, Pleasures and Safeguards of Modern Cave Exploration [1974], Halliday, William R.

Caving: the Sierra Club Guide to Spelunking [1982], Larson, Lane, and Larson, Peggy

SRT Single Rope Technique [1986], Elliot, Dave

Vertical Caving [1986], Meredith, Mike, and Martinez, Dan

Single Rope Techniques - A Guide for Vertical Cavers [1977], Montgomery, Neil R.

On Rope [1987], Padgett, Allen, and Smith, Bruce

On Rope [1996], Smith, Bruce, and Padgett, Allen

On Station [1994], Dasher, George R.

Prusiking [1971], Thrun, Robert

Caving Basics [1982], Hassemer, Jerry

Caving Basics [1987], Hassemer, Jerry, and Rea, G. Thomas

Caving Basics [1992], Rea, G. Thomas

Caving Expeditions [1986], Willis, Dick

Water Tracers Cookbook - Missouri [1976], Aley, Tom, and Fletcher, Mickey W.

The Art of Safe Cave Diving [1995], Saltsman, Dayton

American Caving - Illustrated [1965], Storey, J. Welborn

Manual of Caving Techniques [1969], Cullingford, C.H.D.

British Caving - An Introduction to Speleology [1962], Cullingford, C.H.D.

Vertical [1990], Warlid, Alan

Rappel Manual [1993], Frank, James A., and Patterson, Donald E.

A Systematic Guide to Making Your First Cave Map [1986], Ganter, John H.

The Art of Cave Mapping [1991], Thomson, Kenneth C., and Taylor, Robert L.

An Introduction to Cave Mapping [1985], Thomson, Kenneth C., and Taylor, Robert L.

Basic Cave Diving - a blueprint for survival [1986], Exley, Sheck

Hoya De Las Conchas

Hoya de las Conchas Map [1976],


HRCS The Hualapai Reservation Cave Survey, Wefer, Fred L.

Hualapai Reservation

HRCS The Hualapai Reservation Cave Survey, Wefer, Fred L.


Right in It [1992], Eyers, Jim

The Almost Complete Eclectic Caver [1992], Engel, Thom

Sex, Lies, and Survey Tape [1995], Simpson, Lou

Maws - Big Cave National Monument [1976], Noswat, Erd

Reflections - A look at the 'Spelaeodes' and other cave sagas. [1971], Alfie

There we was! [1961], Helmer, Bill


Karst Hydrology: Concepts from the Mammoth Cave Area [1989], White, William B., and White, Elizabeth L.

Geomorphology and Hydrology of Karst Terrains [1988], White, William B.

Water Tracers Cookbook - Missouri [1976], Aley, Tom, and Fletcher, Mickey W.


Hypothermia: Killer of the Unprepared, Lathrop, Theodore G.

Ice Ages

Ice Ages: Solving the Mystery [1979], Imbrie, John, and Imbrie, Katherine Palmer

Ice Caves

The Darkness Under the Earth [1954], Casteret, Norbert


Maps of Iceland,

Iceland 1993 Notebook,


From the Mouth of the Dark Cave [1991], Bassie-Sweet, Karen


Idaho, the Underground Gem [1999], Kline, Thomas


The Outlaws in Cave-in-Rock [1996], Rothert, Otto A.


Images Below: A Manual of Underground and Flash Photography [1997], Howes, Chris


BCCS Articles of Incorporation (copy) BCCS Misc,


SpeleoDigest Cummulative Index 1956-1980, Sasowsky, Ira D., and Wheeland, Keith D.


The "American Bottoms" Region of Eastern Greene County, Indiana - A Type Unit in Southern Indiana Physiography [1919] [Reprint 1996], Malott, Clyde A.

Lost River at Wesley Chapel Gulf [1931] [Reprint 1995], Malott, Clyde A.

Caves of Indiana Geological Survey Circular 8 [1961], Powell, Richard L.

Presenting 'The Wonders of Lost River' [1973], Armstrong, Robert R.

The Story of Wyandotte Cave [1975], Jackson, George F.

Inter-American Highway

Caves of the Inter-American Highway AMCS Bulletin 1 (copy) [1967], Russell, William H., and Raines, Terry W.


ICM in Compass & Tape,

Interactive Cave Maps, Wefer, Fred L.

Stage-4 Viewgraphs, Wefer, Fred L.

Interactive Cave Map

Cueva Catanamatis (red notebook), Wefer, Fred L.


6th International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology [1991], Rea, G. Thomas

Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Speleology Vol 1 and II [1981],


British Caving - An Introduction to Speleology [1962], Cullingford, C.H.D.

An Introduction to Cave Map Reading [1980], Thomson, Kenneth C.

An Introduction to Caves and Cave Expoloration in Georgia [1980], Beck, Barry F.


Caves of Barbados, West Indies [1991], Gurnee, Russell H., and Gurnee, Jeanne

Caves of the San Juan Plateau AMCS Bulletin 7 [1977], Stone, Bill, and Jameson, Roy

Caves of the Inter-American Highway AMCS Bulletin 1 (copy) [1967], Russell, William H., and Raines, Terry W.

Caves of Wyoming - Geological Survey Bulletin 59 [1976], Hill, Chris, Sutherland, Wayne, and Tierney, Lee

A Tour of the Caves in the environs of Ingleborough and Settle [1780] [Republish 1970], Hutton, John

Caves of Indiana Geological Survey Circular 8 [1961], Powell, Richard L.

Pennsylvania Caves Geological Survey Fourth Series Bulletin G3 [1932], Stone, Ralph W.

Caves of Tennessee - Geology Bulletin 64 [1961], Barr, Thomas C. Jr.

Caves of California (copy) [1962], Halliday, William R.

Jamaica Underground; The Caves, Sinkholes and Underground Rivers of the Island [1977], Finchman, Alan G.

Caves of Washington - Geology Circular 40 [1963], Halliday, William R.

Caves of Missouri Vol. XXXIX, Second Series [1956], Bretz, J. Harlen

Alabama Caves and Caverns (copy) [1973], Varnedoe, William W.

Caves of Gunung Buda [1995], Hacker, Bradley

Cave Exploration in Canada [1976], Thompson, Peter

Caves in Kansas; Geological Survey Educational Series 9 [1993], Young, James, and Beard, Jonathan

Vermont Caves: A Geologic and Historical Guide [1994], Quick, Peter Gunder

Caves of Virginia [1964], Douglas, Henry H.

The Greek Caves [1984], Petrocheilou, Anna

Cavernas, Grutas y Cuevas del Peru [1965], Rosel, Cesar Garcia

Caves of Tennessee - Geology Bulletin 64 [1961], Barr, Thomas C. Jr.

Atlas of the Great Caves of the World [1989], Courbon, Paul, Chabert, Claude, Bosted, Peter, and Lindsley, Karen

Atlas des Grands Gouffres du Monde [1972], Courbon, Paul

North Carolina Cave Survey, Vol. 1, No. 1 [1975], Holler, Cato Jr.

Descriptions of Tennessee Caves [1971], Matthews, Larry E.

Bungonia Caves [1972] [reprint 1977],

Caves of Montana [1978], Campbell, Newell P.

Caves of New Jersey [1976[, Dalton, Richard F.

Caves of Maryland [1971], Franz, Richard, and Slifer, Dennis

Caves of Colorado [1973], Parris, Lloyd E.

The Caves of France and Northern Spain [1962], Sieveking, Ann, and Sieveking, Gale

The Cave of Delaware [1977], Speece, Jack H.


Ghar Parau [1973], Judson, David


Down to the Sunless Sea [1977], Boon, John Michael


Jamaica Underground; The Caves, Sinkholes and Underground Rivers of the Island [1977], Finchman, Alan G.

Jesse James

Meramec Caverns [1977], Weaver, H. Dwight


Lechuguilla - Jewel of the Underground [1991], Taylor, Michael Ray

Jewel Cave

The Jewel Cave Adventure; Fifty miles of Discovery Under South Dakota [1977], Conn, Herb, and Conn, Jan

The Geology of Jewel Cave, Thompson, James B.

Jim White

One Man's Dream - Discoverer of Carlsbad Caverns ]1957], Caiar, Ruth

Jim White's Own Story, White, Jim

Jim Whites Story of Carlsbad Caverns,


Journal of Spelean History Vol. 1 No. 1, 1968 - Vol. 32 No. 1, 1998,

NSS Bulletin - Journal of Cave and Karst Studies Vol 1 - Vol. 61 No. 2,

Journal of the Craven Pothole Club Vol. 5 No. 3, 1975,


From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan - Collected Writings [1983], Blavatsky, Helena Petrova


Caves in Kansas; Geological Survey Educational Series 9 [1993], Young, James, and Beard, Jonathan


Karst in China [1976],

Karst: an Introduction to Systematic Geomorphology Vol 7 [1971], Jennings, Joseph Newell

Karst Hydrology: Concepts from the Mammoth Cave Area [1989], White, William B., and White, Elizabeth L.

Geomorphology and Hydrology of Karst Terrains [1988], White, William B.

Caves: Processes, Development, Management [1996], Gillieson, David

Karst Landforms [1973], Sweeting, Marjorie M.

A Dictionary of Karst and Caves - BCRA Cave Studies Series No. 6 [1955], Lowe, David, and Waltham, Tony

British Karst Research Expedition to the Himalaya [1970], Waltham, A.C.

Appalachian Karst [1991], Kastning, Ernst H., and Kastning, Karen M.

Digital Representations of Karst - A Prospectus [1989], Ganter, John H.

Breakthroughs in Karst Geomicrobiology and Redox Geochemistry [1994], Sasowsky, Ira D., and Palmer, Margaret V.

Karst Terminology

A Glossary of karst Terminology - Geological Survey Water-Supply paper 1899-K [1972], Monroe, Watson H.

Karst Water Institute

Conservation and Protection of the Biota of Karst - Karst Water Institute [1997], Sasowsky, Ira D., Fong, Daniel W., and White, Elizabeth L.

Climate Change: The Karst Record - KWI [1996], Lauritzen, Stein-Erik


The Caves Beyond The Story of the Floyd Collins Crystal Cave Exploration [1955], Lawrence, Joe Jr., and Brucker, Roger W.

The Grand Kentucky Junction [1984],

La Gruta Del Precipicio

La Gruta del Precipicio Map [1974],


Early Underground Mine Lamps [1984], Pohs, Henry A.

American Miners' Carbide Lamps [1987], Clemmer, Gregg S.

Land Navigation

Map Reading and Land Navigation (Army Field Manual 21-26) [1987],


Karst Landforms [1973], Sweeting, Marjorie M.

Genetic Relationship Between Caves and Landforms in the Mammoth Cave National Park Area [1972], Miotke, Franz-Dieter, and Palmer, Arthur N.

Laurel Caverns

History of Laurel Caverns [1976], Damon, Paul


6th International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology [1991], Rea, G. Thomas

An Illustrated Glossary of Lava Tube Features [1993], Larson, Charles V.

Lava Tube

Undara Volcano and its Lava Tubes [1995], Atkinson, Anne, and Atkinson, Vernon


The Network News, ; 1:1,Jul 1992; 2:2,Jul 1993; 2:3,Sep 1993; 3:2,May 1994; 3:3,Oct 1994; 5:1,1996; 5:2,1996; 6:1,Sum 1997; 6:2,Fall 1997; 7:1,Spr 1998


The Network News, ; 1:1,Jul 1992; 2:2,Jul 1993; 2:3,Sep 1993; 3:2,May 1994; 3:3,Oct 1994; 5:1,1996; 5:2,1996; 6:1,Sum 1997; 6:2,Fall 1997; 7:1,Spr 1998

Lechuguilla Cave

Lechuguilla - Jewel of the Underground [1991], Taylor, Michael Ray

Lee Cave

Gazetteer of Place Names in Lee Cave [1975], Crowther, Patricia P.


Minnesota Caves History and Legend,

Lehman Caves

The Lehman Caves Story [1972], Halladay, Orlynn J., and Peacock, Var Lynn

Lew Bicking Award

Nomination of Nevin W. Davis for the Lew Bicking Award [1991], Wefer, Fred L.


The Life of the Cave: Our Living World of Nature [1966], Mohr, Charles E., and Poulson, Thomas L.


Early Underground Mine Lamps [1984], Pohs, Henry A.

American Miners' Carbide Lamps [1987], Clemmer, Gregg S.


History of Cave Science - The exploration and study of limestone caves to 1900 [1979], Shaw, Trevor R.

Limestones and Caves of Wales [1989], Ford, Trevor D.


A Guide to Speleological Literature of the English Language 1794-1996 [1998], Northup, Diana E., Mobley, Emily Davis, Ingham, Kenneth L. III, and Mixon, William W.


The Longest Cave [1976], Brucker, Roger W., and Watson, Richard A.

Lost River

Lost River at Wesley Chapel Gulf [1931] [Reprint 1995], Malott, Clyde A.

Presenting 'The Wonders of Lost River' [1973], Armstrong, Robert R.

Luray Caverns

Celebrated American Caverns [1970], Hovey, Horace Carter

Discovery of Luray Caverns, Virginia [1978], Gurnee, Russell H.


Descent - Magazine for Cavers and Potholers No. 1 1969 - No. 37 1977,


Safety, Environmental, and Maintenance Study of Harrison's Cave, Welchman Hall, St. Thomas, Barbados, WI [1986], Gurnee, Russell H., and Gurnee, Jeanne


Caves of Gunung Buda [1995], Hacker, Bradley

Giant Caves of Borneo [1992], Meredith, Mike, and Wooldridge, Jerry

Malaysian Airline Expedition

Caves of Mulu '84 [1985], Eavis, A.J.

Mammoth Cave

Celebrated American Caverns [1970], Hovey, Horace Carter

The Longest Cave [1976], Brucker, Roger W., and Watson, Richard A.

A Geological Guide to Mammoth Cave National Park [1981], Palmer, Arthur N.

Karst Hydrology: Concepts from the Mammoth Cave Area [1989], White, William B., and White, Elizabeth L.

Rambles in the Mammoth Cave, During the year 1844 by a Visitor [reprint 1973],

The Grand Kentucky Junction [1984],

Genetic Relationship Between Caves and Landforms in the Mammoth Cave National Park Area [1972], Miotke, Franz-Dieter, and Palmer, Arthur N.

Guidebook to the Historic Section of Mammoth Cave [1981], Palmer, Arthur N., Palmer, Margaret V., and White, William B.

Mummies of Mammoth Cave [1973], Meloy, Harold

Saltpetre Mining in Mammoth Cave, KY [1967], Faust, Burton

Mammoth Cave National Park

The Story of Mammoth Cave National Park [1971], Bridwell, Margaret M.

Mammoth Cave National Park a Pictorial Study [1972],

Gazetteer of Place Names in Lee Cave [1975], Crowther, Patricia P.


Caves: Processes, Development, Management [1996], Gillieson, David

Management Plan

A Management Plan for Butler and Bobcat Cave, Bath County, Virginia (copy) BCCS Misc,

Draft General Management Plan / Environmental Impact Statement Carlsbad Caverns National Park [1995],


A Caving Manual [1981], Lovelock, James

Images Below: A Manual of Underground and Flash Photography [1997], Howes, Chris

Manual of U.S. Cave Rescue Techniques [1981], Williams, Toni Lewis

Rope Rescue Manual [1987], Frank James A., and Smith, Jerrold B.

Manual of Caving Techniques [1969], Cullingford, C.H.D.

Rappel Manual [1993], Frank, James A., and Patterson, Donald E.


Cueva De El Chorreadero Map [1971],

Cueva La Florida N.1 Y N.2 Map [1968],

Cueva De La Barranca Map [1968],

Cueva De La Laja Map [1968],

Cueva De Cristian Map [1968],

Sotano De Agua De Carrizo - Profile Map,

Sumidero San Bernardo Map [1984],

Resumidero De Toxin Map [1984],

Sotano De Agua De Carrizo Plan Map [ 1978],

Cueva de la Pena Colorado Map [1984],

La Gruta del Precipicio Map [1974],

Hoya de las Conchas Map [1976],

Map Reading

Map Reading and Land Navigation (Army Field Manual 21-26) [1987],

An Introduction to Cave Map Reading [1980], Thomson, Kenneth C.


Cave Surveying and Mapping [1971], Hosley, Robert J.

ICM in Compass & Tape,

Interactive Cave Maps, Wefer, Fred L.

Stage-4 Viewgraphs, Wefer, Fred L.

How to Lie with Maps [1971], Monmonier, Mark

Mapping [1964], Greenhood, David

Geographic Information Systems and Automated Mapping Systems Guide [1993], Hildenberger, R.A., Hirsch, S.A., Jameson, W.A., and Smith, H Gregory

A Systematic Guide to Making Your First Cave Map [1986], Ganter, John H.

The Art of Cave Mapping [1991], Thomson, Kenneth C., and Taylor, Robert L.

An Introduction to Cave Mapping [1985], Thomson, Kenneth C., and Taylor, Robert L.


Maps of Iceland,

How to Lie with Maps [1971], Monmonier, Mark

The Story of Maps [1949, 1977], Brown, Lloyd A.

The Power of Maps [1972], Wood, Denis

On Station [1994], Dasher, George R.

Mark Twain Cave

Adventures at Mark Twain Cave [1973], Weaver, H. Dwight

Marvel Cave

Marvel Cave Its Discovry and Exploration [1974], Martin, Ronald L.


Caves of Maryland [1971], Franz, Richard, and Slifer, Dennis


Maws - Big Cave National Monument [1976], Noswat, Erd


From the Mouth of the Dark Cave [1991], Bassie-Sweet, Karen

McDowell Battlefield

Battlefield Cave Notebook,


Caverns Measureless to Man [1994], Exley, Sheck


Medicine for Mountaineering [1969], Wilkerson, James A.

Hypothermia: Killer of the Unprepared, Lathrop, Theodore G.

Mountaineering Medicine - A Wilderness Medical Guide [1969], Darvill, Fred T. Jr.


Megatek Folder, Wefer, Fred L.


Memoirs of a Speleologist - The Adventurous Life of a Famous French Cave Explorer [1975], de Joly, Robert

Meramec Caverns

Meramec Caverns [1977], Weaver, H. Dwight


Aircraft Metals (Navy training course) [1944],


An Annotated Bibliography of Cave Meteorology [1990], Wefer, Fred L.

Meteorology Of Harrison's Cave Overheads

Gray Unmarked Notebook, Wefer, Fred L.


A Preliminary Report on the Zacapoaxtla-Cuetzalan Area, Northern Puebla, Mexico AMCS Newsletter Vol. IV, No. 5-6 [1974], Davis, Nevin W.

Mexico 1968,

The Cave Explorers [1981], Eyre, Jim

The Hill-Caves of Yucatan [1975], Mercer, Henry C.

From the Mouth of the Dark Cave [1991], Bassie-Sweet, Karen

Further Studies on the Cavernicole Fauna of Mexico and Adjacent Regions [1982], Reddell, James R.

Yochib: The River Cave [1985], Steele, C. William


Going Underground - Your Guide to Caves in the Mid-Atlantic [1991], Silverman, Sharon Hernes


Early Underground Mine Lamps [1984], Pohs, Henry A.


American Miners' Carbide Lamps [1987], Clemmer, Gregg S.


Cave Minerals of the World 2nd Ed. [1997], Hill, Carol A., and Forti, Paolo

Cave Minerals [1976], Hill, Carol A.


Saltpetre Mining in Mammoth Cave, KY [1967], Faust, Burton


Guide to the Caves of Minnesota [1967], Hogberg, R.K., and Bayer, T.N.

Minnesota Caves History and Legend,

Your Guide to Spook Cave [1975], Kehret, Roger

Your Guide to Crystal Lake Cave [1976], Kehret, Roger

Your Guide to Mystery Cave [1974], Kehret, Roger


Butler Miscellaneous, Wefer, Fred L.

Miscellaneous Publications Notebook,

Miscellaneous Correspondence

Red Notebook,

Miscellaneous Correspondence,


Caves of Mississippi [1974], Knight, E. Leslie, Irby, Bobby N., and Carey, Steve


Ozark Stories of the Upper Current River, Vickery, Margaret Ray

Guidebook to Karst and Caves of Tennessee and Missouri; Eighth International Congress of Speology [1981], Crawford, Nicholas, and Vineyard, Jerry D.

Caves of Missouri Vol. XXXIX, Second Series [1956], Bretz, J. Harlen

Water Tracers Cookbook - Missouri [1976], Aley, Tom, and Fletcher, Mickey W.

Marvel Cave Its Discovry and Exploration [1974], Martin, Ronald L.

Onondaga - The Mammoth Cave of Missouri [1973], Weaver, H. Dwight, and Johnson, Paul A.


Au Coeure Des Montagnes [1960], d'Ursel, Pierre


Caves of Montana [1978], Campbell, Newell P.

Mount Rainier

The Paradise Ice Caves [1972], Halliday, William R., and Anderson, Charles H.


Mountaineering, The Freedom of the Hills [1966], Manning, Harvey

Medicine for Mountaineering [1969], Wilkerson, James A.

Mountaineering Medicine - A Wilderness Medical Guide [1969], Darvill, Fred T. Jr.


Caves of Mulu '80 [1981], Eavis, A.J.

Caves of Mulu '84 [1985], Eavis, A.J.

Giant Caves of Borneo [1992], Meredith, Mike, and Wooldridge, Jerry


Mummies of Mammoth Cave [1973], Meloy, Harold

Mystery Cave

Your Guide to Mystery Cave [1974], Kehret, Roger

Natchez Trace

The Outlaws in Cave-in-Rock [1996], Rothert, Otto A.

National Park Service

Wind Cave National Park Service Handbook 104 [1979],

Natural Selection

Adaptation and Natural Selection in Caves - Evolution of Gammarus minus [1995], Culver, David C., Kane, Thomas C., and Fong, Daniel W.


The Life of the Cave: Our Living World of Nature [1966], Mohr, Charles E., and Poulson, Thomas L.


Map Reading and Land Navigation (Army Field Manual 21-26) [1987],


Aircraft Metals (Navy training course) [1944],


Basic Cave Rescue Orientation Course Study Guide [1990],

Manual of U.S. Cave Rescue Techniques [1981], Williams, Toni Lewis

Neil Moss

Life and Death Underground [1963], Lovelock, James


British Karst Research Expedition to the Himalaya [1970], Waltham, A.C.

Network News, The

The Network News, ; 1:1,Jul 1992; 2:2,Jul 1993; 2:3,Sep 1993; 3:2,May 1994; 3:3,Oct 1994; 5:1,1996; 5:2,1996; 6:1,Sum 1997; 6:2,Fall 1997; 7:1,Spr 1998


The Lehman Caves Story [1972], Halladay, Orlynn J., and Peacock, Var Lynn

Nevin W. Davis

Nomination of Nevin W. Davis for the Lew Bicking Award [1991], Wefer, Fred L.

New England

New England's Buried Treasure [1946], Perry, Clay

New Jersey

Caves of New Jersey [1976[, Dalton, Richard F.

New Mexico

Geology of the Delaware Basin, Guadalupe, Apache, and Glass Mountains, New Mexico and West Texas [1996], Hill, Carol A.

One Man's Dream - Discoverer of Carlsbad Caverns ]1957], Caiar, Ruth

Lechuguilla - Jewel of the Underground [1991], Taylor, Michael Ray

Draft General Management Plan / Environmental Impact Statement Carlsbad Caverns National Park [1995],

Cavern Development in the Guadalupe Mountains [1977], Jagnow, David Henry

The Big Cave - Carlsbad Caverns [1956], Long, Abijah, and Long, Joe N.

New Mexico - Pictorial Guide & Tour Map,

Jim White's Own Story, White, Jim

Jim Whites Story of Carlsbad Caverns,

Geology of Carlsbad Cavern and other caves in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico and Texas [1987], Hill, Carol A.

New Trout Cave

Capital Area Cavers Bulletin 1 [1982], Anderson, Bob, and Baker, Linda

New York

Underground Empire [1948], Perry, Clay

Cavern Development in the Helderberg Plateau, East-Central New York (thesis) [1975], Kastning, Ernst H.

Speleogenesis and Karst Geomorphology of the Helderberg Plateau, Schoharie Counte, New York [ 1977], Mylorie, John E.

New Zealand

Waitomo Caves [1953] [reprint 1956], Richards, J.H.


AMCS Activities Newsletter No. 9 [1979],

AMCS Activities Newsletter No. 1 to No. 7 (reprint),

AMCS Activities Newsletter No. 8 [1978],

CRF Notes & Newsletters, ; Sum 1976; Oct 1976; Feb 1977; Sum 1977; Oct 1977; Feb 1978; 12,Mar 1979; Jul 1979; Feb 1980; Jul 1980; Oct 1980; Dec 1980; Jan 1981; Jun 1981; Jul 1982; Dec 1982; Feb 1983; May 1983; Aug 1983; Nov 1983; May 1984; Aug 1984

NSS News 1954 - Jan. 2000,

Nittany Grotto News Vol. 1 No. 1 1952 - Vol. 45, No. 3 1998,

The Region Record - A History of the Virginia Region [1979],

Nylon Highway Vol. 1, 1974 - Vol. No. 44,

GEO Squared Vol. 1 - Vol. 26 No. 1, 1999,

Cave Geology Vol. 1, No. 1, 1975 - Vol. 2, No. 4, 1999 [1999],

Compass & Tape Vol. 1 No. 1, 1983 - Vol. 14 No. 1, 1999,

BCCS Newsletter Vol. 1, 1976 - Vol. 24, 1999,

Nittany Grotto News

Nittany Grotto News Vol. 1 No. 1 1952 - Vol. 45, No. 3 1998,


Nomination of Nevin W. Davis for the Lew Bicking Award [1991], Wefer, Fred L.

North Carolina

North Carolina Cave Survey, Vol. 1, No. 1 [1975], Holler, Cato Jr.


Under Plowman's Floor [1978], Watson, Richard

The Cave [1959], Warren, Robert Penn

Down to a Sunless Sea [1996], Poyer, David


A Guide to Responsible Caving, Sira, Adrian (Ed)

On Rope [1987], Padgett, Allen, and Smith, Bruce

On Rope [1996], Smith, Bruce, and Padgett, Allen

On Station [1994], Dasher, George R.

Caving Basics [1982], Hassemer, Jerry

Caving Basics [1987], Hassemer, Jerry, and Rea, G. Thomas

Caving Basics [1992], Rea, G. Thomas

NSS Bulletin - Journal of Cave and Karst Studies Vol 1 - Vol. 61 No. 2,

Caving in America - The Story of the NSS 1941-1991 [1991], Damon, Paul H. Sr.

NSS Convention Guidebook

Idaho, the Underground Gem [1999], Kline, Thomas

NSS Convention Program

1988 NSS Convention Program [1998], Johnson, Debby

NSS News

NSS News 1954 - Jan. 2000,

Photo History of the "NSS News"; A reprint of the Wisconsin Speleologist" VOl 19, No. 2 [1985], Soule, Gary K.

NSS Preconvention Activities

A Guide to the Caves of the Black Hills, S.D. [1962], Wilber, Robert

NSS Self Guiding Tour

A Guide to Wind Cave and Wind Cave National Park [1962], Tyers, John


Nylon Highway Vol. 1, 1974 - Vol. No. 44,


From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan - Collected Writings [1983], Blavatsky, Helena Petrova

Ohio Caverns

Ohio Caverns,

Onondaga Cave

Onondaga - The Mammoth Cave of Missouri [1973], Weaver, H. Dwight, and Johnson, Paul A.

Orange County

Lost River at Wesley Chapel Gulf [1931] [Reprint 1995], Malott, Clyde A.


Discovery and Exploration of Oregon Caves [1971], Walsh, Frank K., and Halliday, William R.

Organ Cave

Capital Area Cavers Bulletin 1 [1982], Anderson, Bob, and Baker, Linda


Basic Cave Rescue Orientation Course Study Guide [1990],


The Outlaws in Cave-in-Rock [1996], Rothert, Otto A.


Ozark Stories of the Upper Current River, Vickery, Margaret Ray


Palaeolithic Cave Art [1967], Ucko, Peter J., and Rosenfeld, Andree


Palaeolithic Cave Art [1967], Ucko, Peter J., and Rosenfeld, Andree

Paradise Ice Caves

The Paradise Ice Caves [1972], Halliday, William R., and Anderson, Charles H.


Cave Passages [1996], Taylor, Michael Ray


Potholing: Beneath the Northern Pennines [1964], Heap, David


Pennsylvania Caves Geological Survey Fourth Series Bulletin G3 [1932], Stone, Ralph W.

Alexander Caverns [1973], Speece, Jack H.

History of Laurel Caverns [1976], Damon, Paul

Permian Basin Section SEPM

Geology of the Delaware Basin, Guadalupe, Apache, and Glass Mountains, New Mexico and West Texas [1996], Hill, Carol A.


Cavernas, Grutas y Cuevas del Peru [1965], Rosel, Cesar Garcia

Photo Index

Photo History of the "NSS News"; A reprint of the Wisconsin Speleologist" VOl 19, No. 2 [1985], Soule, Gary K.


Karst in China [1976],

Carlsbad, Caves, and a Camera [1978], Nymeyer, Robert

Images Below: A Manual of Underground and Flash Photography [1997], Howes, Chris


Mammoth Cave National Park a Pictorial Study [1972],


Speleophysics - Compilation of papers by Wefer 1968-1978, Wefer, Fred L.


The "American Bottoms" Region of Eastern Greene County, Indiana - A Type Unit in Southern Indiana Physiography [1919] [Reprint 1996], Malott, Clyde A.


New Mexico - Pictorial Guide & Tour Map,

Pierre Saint-Martin

Le Gouffre de la Pierre Saint-martin [1976], Tazieff, Haroun

Caves of Adventure [1953], Tazieff, Haroun

The Descent of Pierre Saint-Martin [1954], Casteret, Norbert

Men of Pierre Saint-Martin [1956], Attout, Jacques

The PSM Notebook - Compilation of papers Pierre Saint-Martin,

Pindus Mountains

The 1977 Descent of Provatina,

Plan Map

Sotano De Agua De Carrizo Plan Map [ 1978],

Plowman's Floor

Under Plowman's Floor [1978], Watson, Richard

Popocatepetl Photos

Mexico 1968,


Descent - Magazine for Cavers and Potholers No. 1 1969 - No. 37 1977,


Potholing: Beneath the Northern Pennines [1964], Heap, David

Deep Down - Potholing [1961], Hogg, Gary


Caving Practice and Equipment [1984], Judson, David


Profile of the BCCS - Presentation with Viewgraphs [1991], Wefer, Fred L.


Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Speleology Vol 1 and II [1981],


Conservation and Protection of the Biota of Karst - Karst Water Institute [1997], Sasowsky, Ira D., Fong, Daniel W., and White, Elizabeth L.


The 1977 Descent of Provatina,

Greece (blue folder),

The Cave Explorers [1981], Eyre, Jim


Prusiking [1971], Thrun, Robert


Psychrometric Tables (copy) 1941], Marvin, C.F.


Miscellaneous Publications Notebook,


A Preliminary Report on the Zacapoaxtla-Cuetzalan Area, Northern Puebla, Mexico AMCS Newsletter Vol. IV, No. 5-6 [1974], Davis, Nevin W.

Puerto Rico

Discovery at Rio Camuy [1974], Gurnee, Russell H., and Gurnee, Jeanne


Caves of Adventure [1953], Tazieff, Haroun

Radiant Darkness

Radiant Darkness - The Wonderful World of Caves [1967], Bogli, Alfred, and Franke, Herbert W.


Rambles in the Mammoth Cave, During the year 1844 by a Visitor [reprint 1973],


Rappel Manual [1993], Frank, James A., and Patterson, Donald E.


Rappelling, Edition II [1994], Martin, Tom


Breakthroughs in Karst Geomicrobiology and Redox Geochemistry [1994], Sasowsky, Ira D., and Palmer, Margaret V.


Reflections - A look at the 'Spelaeodes' and other cave sagas. [1971], Alfie

Region Record

The Region Record - A History of the Virginia Region [1979],

The Region Record, ; XII:1,1998-99; XII:3,1999; X:3,Sum 1997; X:4,Fall 1997; XI:4,Fall 1998; XI:3,Sum 1998; XII:2,Spr 1999

Relative Humidity

Psychrometric Tables (copy) 1941], Marvin, C.F.


Race Against Time [1988], Eyre, Jim, and Frankland, John

Life and Death Underground [1963], Lovelock, James

Trapped (rescue Floyd Colins) [1979], Murray, Robert K., and Brucker, Roger W.

Basic Cave Rescue Orientation Course Study Guide [1990],

Manual of U.S. Cave Rescue Techniques [1981], Williams, Toni Lewis

Rope Rescue Manual [1987], Frank James A., and Smith, Jerrold B.

Resumidero De Toxin

Resumidero De Toxin Map [1984],

Rio Camuy Cave

Discovery at Rio Camuy [1974], Gurnee, Russell H., and Gurnee, Jeanne

Robert De Joly

La "Geste" de Robert De Joly [1968], Geze, Bernard


Advanced Rockcraft [1973], Robbins, Royal

Basic Rockcraft [1971], Robbins, Royal


On Rope [1987], Padgett, Allen, and Smith, Bruce

On Rope [1996], Smith, Bruce, and Padgett, Allen

Rope Rescue Manual [1987], Frank James A., and Smith, Jerrold B.

Roppel Cave

Capital Area Cavers Bulletin 1 [1982], Anderson, Bob, and Baker, Linda


The Cave of Rouffignac [1958], Nougier, Louis-Rene, and Robert, Romain

Round Spring Caverns

Ozark Stories of the Upper Current River, Vickery, Margaret Ray


American Caves and Caving; Techniques, Pleasures and Safeguards of Modern Cave Exploration [1974], Halliday, William R.


Safety, Environmental, and Maintenance Study of Harrison's Cave, Welchman Hall, St. Thomas, Barbados, WI [1986], Gurnee, Russell H., and Gurnee, Jeanne

Belaying the Leader; An Omnibus on Climbing Safety [1965], Leonard, Richard M., Wexler, Arnold, Siri, William, Wilts, Charles, Brower, David, Harris, Morgan, and Pridham, May

A Guide to Responsible Caving, Sira, Adrian (Ed)

American Caves and Caving; Techniques, Pleasures and Safeguards of Modern Cave Exploration [1974], Halliday, William R.

The Art of Safe Cave Diving [1995], Saltsman, Dayton

Basic Cave Diving - a blueprint for survival [1986], Exley, Sheck


Saltpetre Caves and Virginia History [1964], Faust, Burton

Saltpetre Mining in Mammoth Cave, KY [1967], Faust, Burton

San Juan Plateau

Caves of the San Juan Plateau AMCS Bulletin 7 [1977], Stone, Bill, and Jameson, Roy


Caves of Mulu '80 [1981], Eavis, A.J.

Caves of Gunung Buda [1995], Hacker, Bradley

Giant Caves of Borneo [1992], Meredith, Mike, and Wooldridge, Jerry


The Science of Speleology [1976], Ford, T.D., and Cullingford, C.H.D.

The World of Caves [1958], Lubke, Anton

The Hill-Caves of Yucatan [1975], Mercer, Henry C.

Karst: an Introduction to Systematic Geomorphology Vol 7 [1971], Jennings, Joseph Newell

Karst Hydrology: Concepts from the Mammoth Cave Area [1989], White, William B., and White, Elizabeth L.

Ice Ages: Solving the Mystery [1979], Imbrie, John, and Imbrie, Katherine Palmer

The Cave Bear Story; Life and Death of a Vanished Animal [1976], Kurten, Bjorn

Geomorphology and Hydrology of Karst Terrains [1988], White, William B.

Caves: Processes, Development, Management [1996], Gillieson, David

Karst Landforms [1973], Sweeting, Marjorie M.

History of Cave Science - The exploration and study of limestone caves to 1900 [1979], Shaw, Trevor R.

The Mysterious World of Caves [1971], Bauer, Ernst

Caves and the Marvelous World Beneath Us [1966], Stenuit, Robert

Climate Change: The Karst Record - KWI [1996], Lauritzen, Stein-Erik

Speleology - Caves and the Environment [1997], Moore, George W., and Sullivan, Nicholas

Speleophysics - Compilation of papers by Wefer 1968-1978, Wefer, Fred L.

Limestones and Caves of Wales [1989], Ford, Trevor D.

Cave Minerals of the World 2nd Ed. [1997], Hill, Carol A., and Forti, Paolo

Bungonia Caves [1972] [reprint 1977],

Further Studies on the Cavernicole Fauna of Mexico and Adjacent Regions [1982], Reddell, James R.

Water Tracers Cookbook - Missouri [1976], Aley, Tom, and Fletcher, Mickey W.

Adaptation and Natural Selection in Caves - Evolution of Gammarus minus [1995], Culver, David C., Kane, Thomas C., and Fong, Daniel W.

Cave Minerals [1976], Hill, Carol A.

Geology of Carlsbad Cavern and other caves in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico and Texas [1987], Hill, Carol A.


From the Mouth of the Dark Cave [1991], Bassie-Sweet, Karen


Bat Bomb; World War II's Other Secret Weapon [1992], Couffer, Jack

Sequoia National Park

Crystal Cave (Sequoia Nat. Pk.), Oberhansley, Frank R.


How to Shit in the Woods [1989], Meyer, Kathleen

Show Caves

Gurnee Guide to American Caves [1990], Gurnee, Russell H., and Gurnee, Jeanne

Going Underground - Your Guide to Caves in the Mid-Atlantic [1991], Silverman, Sharon Hernes

Visiting American Caves [1966], Sloane, Howard N., and Gurnee, Russell H.

Underground Britain - Guide to Wild and Show Caves in England, Scotland and Wales [1985], Bedford, Bruce L.

Discovering Caves - Show caves of Britain [1972], Oldham, Tony, and Oldham, Anne


Meramec Caverns [1977], Weaver, H. Dwight

Sierra Club

Caving: the Sierra Club Guide to Spelunking [1982], Larson, Lane, and Larson, Peggy

Silers Cave

Capital Area Cavers Bulletin 1 [1982], Anderson, Bob, and Baker, Linda

Simmons-Mingo System

Capital Area Cavers Bulletin 1 [1982], Anderson, Bob, and Baker, Linda

Single Rope Technique

SRT Single Rope Technique [1986], Elliot, Dave

Single Rope Techniques - A Guide for Vertical Cavers [1977], Montgomery, Neil R.


Jamaica Underground; The Caves, Sinkholes and Underground Rivers of the Island [1977], Finchman, Alan G.


Solo [1973], Roskolenko, Harry

Sotano De Agua De Carrizo

Sotano De Agua De Carrizo - Profile Map,

Sotano De Agua De Carrizo Plan Map [ 1978],

Sotano De Las Golondrinas

Sotano de las Golondrinas AMCS Bulletin 2 [1968], Raines, Terry W.

South Dakota

A Guide to Wind Cave and Wind Cave National Park [1962], Tyers, John

A Guide to the Caves of the Black Hills, S.D. [1962], Wilber, Robert

Wind Cave National Park Service Handbook 104 [1979],

The Jewel Cave Adventure; Fifty miles of Discovery Under South Dakota [1977], Conn, Herb, and Conn, Jan

The Geology of Jewel Cave, Thompson, James B.


The Cave Explorers [1981], Eyre, Jim

The Caves of France and Northern Spain [1962], Sieveking, Ann, and Sieveking, Gale

Spanish Language

Cavernas, Grutas y Cuevas del Peru [1965], Rosel, Cesar Garcia


Reflections - A look at the 'Spelaeodes' and other cave sagas. [1971], Alfie

Spelean History

Journal of Spelean History Vol. 1 No. 1, 1968 - Vol. 32 No. 1, 1998,


SpeleoDigest 1956-1987, 1989, 1993, 1995-1997,

SpeleoDigest Cummulative Index 1956-1980, Sasowsky, Ira D., and Wheeland, Keith D.


Speleogenesis and Karst Geomorphology of the Helderberg Plateau, Schoharie Counte, New York [ 1977], Mylorie, John E.


Memoirs of a Speleologist - The Adventurous Life of a Famous French Cave Explorer [1975], de Joly, Robert


The Science of Speleology [1976], Ford, T.D., and Cullingford, C.H.D.

A Glossary of Speleology (copy) [ ], Muma, Martin H., and Muma, Kathrine E.

Speleology: The Study of Caves [1964], Moore, George W., and Nicholas, Brother G.

Underground Worlds (Planet Earth Time-Life Books) [1982], Jackson, Donald Dale, and Time-Life Books

Caves [1974], Waltham, Tony

A Guide to Speleological Literature of the English Language 1794-1996 [1998], Northup, Diana E., Mobley, Emily Davis, Ingham, Kenneth L. III, and Mixon, William W.

Speleology - Caves and the Environment [1997], Moore, George W., and Sullivan, Nicholas

British Caving - An Introduction to Speleology [1962], Cullingford, C.H.D.

Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Speleology Vol 1 and II [1981],


Speleophysics - Compilation of papers by Wefer 1968-1978, Wefer, Fred L.


Exploring American Caves [1962], Folsom, Franklin

Exploring Caves [1959], Longsworth, Polly

Caving: the Sierra Club Guide to Spelunking [1982], Larson, Lane, and Larson, Peggy

Spook Cave

Your Guide to Spook Cave [1975], Kehret, Roger


SRT Single Rope Technique [1986], Elliot, Dave

Single Rope Techniques - A Guide for Vertical Cavers [1977], Montgomery, Neil R.


Stage-4 Viewgraphs, Wefer, Fred L.

Stone Age

Voices from the Stone Age [1974], Mazonowicz, Douglas


Ozark Stories of the Upper Current River, Vickery, Margaret Ray

The Story of Caves [1956], Sterling, Dorothy

Tales of Dirt, Danger, and Darkness [1998], Steward, Paul Jay

The Almost Complete Eclectic Caver [1992], Engel, Thom

The Cave Bear Story; Life and Death of a Vanished Animal [1976], Kurten, Bjorn

Rambles in the Mammoth Cave, During the year 1844 by a Visitor [reprint 1973],

Trapped in a Cave [1993], Morris, Deborah

Underground Empire [1948], Perry, Clay

From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan - Collected Writings [1983], Blavatsky, Helena Petrova

Sex, Lies, and Survey Tape [1995], Simpson, Lou

Caving in America - The Story of the NSS 1941-1991 [1991], Damon, Paul H. Sr.

The Timpanogos Cave Story [1973], Martin, George V.

The Story of Wyandotte Cave [1975], Jackson, George F.

The Lehman Caves Story [1972], Halladay, Orlynn J., and Peacock, Var Lynn

The Story of Mammoth Cave National Park [1971], Bridwell, Margaret M.

Jim White's Own Story, White, Jim

Jim Whites Story of Carlsbad Caverns,


A Study of Harrison's Cave, Barbados, West Indies [1978], Gurnee, Jeanne

Safety, Environmental, and Maintenance Study of Harrison's Cave, Welchman Hall, St. Thomas, Barbados, WI [1986], Gurnee, Russell H., and Gurnee, Jeanne

Speleology: The Study of Caves [1964], Moore, George W., and Nicholas, Brother G.

History of Cave Science - The exploration and study of limestone caves to 1900 [1979], Shaw, Trevor R.

Basic Cave Rescue Orientation Course Study Guide [1990],

Manual of U.S. Cave Rescue Techniques [1981], Williams, Toni Lewis

A Study of Environmental Factors in Harrison's Cave, Barbados, West Indies [1994], Hobbs, Horton H. III

Further Studies on the Cavernicole Fauna of Mexico and Adjacent Regions [1982], Reddell, James R.

A Study of Fountain National Park and Fountain Cavern [1989], Gurnee, Jeanne


Subterranean Climbers Twelve Years in the Worlds Deepest Chasm [1975], Chevalier, Pierre

Subterranean Climbers [1951], Chevalier, Pierre

Sumidero San Bernardo

Sumidero San Bernardo Map [1984],

Sumidero Yochib

Yochib: The River Cave [1985], Steele, C. William

Sunless Sea

Down to the Sunless Sea [1977], Boon, John Michael

Down to a Sunless Sea [1996], Poyer, David


The Exploration & Survey of Ellison's Cave, Georgia [1977], Smith, Marion O.

Tennesee Cave Survey Bulletin 1 (4th Ed.) [1994], Matthews, Larry E.

HRCS The Hualapai Reservation Cave Survey, Wefer, Fred L.

Caves of Wyoming - Geological Survey Bulletin 59 [1976], Hill, Chris, Sutherland, Wayne, and Tierney, Lee

Caves of Indiana Geological Survey Circular 8 [1961], Powell, Richard L.

Pennsylvania Caves Geological Survey Fourth Series Bulletin G3 [1932], Stone, Ralph W.

Caves of California (copy) [1962], Halliday, William R.

Jamaica Underground; The Caves, Sinkholes and Underground Rivers of the Island [1977], Finchman, Alan G.

Caves of Washington - Geology Circular 40 [1963], Halliday, William R.

Caves of Missouri Vol. XXXIX, Second Series [1956], Bretz, J. Harlen

Alabama Caves and Caverns (copy) [1973], Varnedoe, William W.

Caves of Gunung Buda [1995], Hacker, Bradley

GSS Bulletins 1970-1974 [reprint 1994],

Cave Exploration in Canada [1976], Thompson, Peter

Caves in Kansas; Geological Survey Educational Series 9 [1993], Young, James, and Beard, Jonathan

Vermont Caves: A Geologic and Historical Guide [1994], Quick, Peter Gunder

Caves of Virginia [1964], Douglas, Henry H.

Caverns of West Virginia: West Virginia Geological Survey: Geologic and Economic Survey Vol XIX A. [1958], Davies, William E.

The Greek Caves [1984], Petrocheilou, Anna

Cavernas, Grutas y Cuevas del Peru [1965], Rosel, Cesar Garcia

Caves of Tennessee - Geology Bulletin 64 [1961], Barr, Thomas C. Jr.

Atlas of the Great Caves of the World [1989], Courbon, Paul, Chabert, Claude, Bosted, Peter, and Lindsley, Karen

Atlas des Grands Gouffres du Monde [1972], Courbon, Paul

North Carolina Cave Survey, Vol. 1, No. 1 [1975], Holler, Cato Jr.

Descriptions of Tennessee Caves [1971], Matthews, Larry E.

Bungonia Caves [1972] [reprint 1977],

Caves of Montana [1978], Campbell, Newell P.

Caves of New Jersey [1976[, Dalton, Richard F.

Caves of Maryland [1971], Franz, Richard, and Slifer, Dennis

Caves of Colorado [1973], Parris, Lloyd E.

The Caves of France and Northern Spain [1962], Sieveking, Ann, and Sieveking, Gale

The Cave of Delaware [1977], Speece, Jack H.

Survey Notes

The 1977 Descent of Provatina,


Elementary Surveying [1957], Brinker, Russell C., and Taylor, Warren C.

Surveying Caves [1976], Ellis, Bryan

Cave Surveying and Mapping [1971], Hosley, Robert J.

An Introduction to Cave Surveying [1988], Ellis, Bryan

BCCS Survey Training Course, Wefer, Fred L.

On Station [1994], Dasher, George R.

Symposium on Cave Surveying [1970],

The Art of Cave Mapping [1991], Thomson, Kenneth C., and Taylor, Robert L.

An Introduction to Cave Mapping [1985], Thomson, Kenneth C., and Taylor, Robert L.


Oliver Trickett 1847-1934 [1991], Middleton, Gregory J.


Down to the Sunless Sea [1977], Boon, John Michael


6th International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology [1991], Rea, G. Thomas

Breakthroughs in Karst Geomicrobiology and Redox Geochemistry [1994], Sasowsky, Ira D., and Palmer, Margaret V.

Symposium on Cave Surveying [1970],


Psychrometric Tables (copy) 1941], Marvin, C.F.


Tales of Dirt, Danger, and Darkness [1998], Steward, Paul Jay


Compass & Tape Vol. 1 No. 1, 1983 - Vol. 14 No. 1, 1999,


American Caves and Caving; Techniques, Pleasures and Safeguards of Modern Cave Exploration [1974], Halliday, William R.

Manual of U.S. Cave Rescue Techniques [1981], Williams, Toni Lewis

Manual of Caving Techniques [1969], Cullingford, C.H.D.


Tennesee Cave Survey Bulletin 1 (4th Ed.) [1994], Matthews, Larry E.

Caves of Tennessee - Geology Bulletin 64 [1961], Barr, Thomas C. Jr.

Guidebook to Karst and Caves of Tennessee and Missouri; Eighth International Congress of Speology [1981], Crawford, Nicholas, and Vineyard, Jerry D.

Caves of Tennessee - Geology Bulletin 64 [1961], Barr, Thomas C. Jr.

Descriptions of Tennessee Caves [1971], Matthews, Larry E.


Geology of the Delaware Basin, Guadalupe, Apache, and Glass Mountains, New Mexico and West Texas [1996], Hill, Carol A.

Geology of Carlsbad Cavern and other caves in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico and Texas [1987], Hill, Carol A.


Elementary Surveying [1957], Brinker, Russell C., and Taylor, Warren C.

The Science of Speleology [1976], Ford, T.D., and Cullingford, C.H.D.

Geomorphology and Hydrology of Karst Terrains [1988], White, William B.

Karst Landforms [1973], Sweeting, Marjorie M.

British Caving - An Introduction to Speleology [1962], Cullingford, C.H.D.


Digital Representations of Karst - A Prospectus [1989], Ganter, John H.

Cave Development in Burnsville Cove, West-Central Virginia, with Special Reference to Breathing Cave (thesis) [1960], Deike, George H. III

Cavern Development in the Helderberg Plateau, East-Central New York (thesis) [1975], Kastning, Ernst H.


Down to a Sunless Sea [1996], Poyer, David


Underground Worlds (Planet Earth Time-Life Books) [1982], Jackson, Donald Dale, and Time-Life Books

Timpanogos Cave

The Timpanogos Cave Story [1973], Martin, George V.

Topo Maps

Maps of Iceland,


A Tour of the Caves in the environs of Ingleborough and Settle [1780] [Republish 1970], Hutton, John


BCCS Survey Training Course, Wefer, Fred L.

Aircraft Metals (Navy training course) [1944],

Caving Basics [1982], Hassemer, Jerry

Caving Basics [1987], Hassemer, Jerry, and Rea, G. Thomas

Caving Basics [1992], Rea, G. Thomas

Basic Cave Rescue Orientation Course Study Guide [1990],

Manual of U.S. Cave Rescue Techniques [1981], Williams, Toni Lewis


Wilderness Under the Earth [1958], Franke, Herbert W.


Trapped (rescue Floyd Colins) [1979], Murray, Robert K., and Brucker, Roger W.

Trapped in a Cave [1993], Morris, Deborah


New England's Buried Treasure [1946], Perry, Clay

Trickett, Oliver

Oliver Trickett 1847-1934 [1991], Middleton, Gregory J.

Tymphe Range

Greece (blue folder),

Undara Volcano

Undara Volcano and its Lava Tubes [1995], Atkinson, Anne, and Atkinson, Vernon

Underground Worlds

Underground Worlds (Planet Earth Time-Life Books) [1982], Jackson, Donald Dale, and Time-Life Books

Unpublished Reports D.R.

Megatek Folder, Wefer, Fred L.


USGS Information,

Vapor Pressure

Psychrometric Tables (copy) 1941], Marvin, C.F.


Venturing Underground: The new Speleo's Guide [1983], Lyon, Ben


Vermont Caves: A Geologic and Historical Guide [1994], Quick, Peter Gunder


Vertical Caving [1986], Meredith, Mike, and Martinez, Dan

Single Rope Techniques - A Guide for Vertical Cavers [1977], Montgomery, Neil R.

On Rope [1987], Padgett, Allen, and Smith, Bruce

On Rope [1996], Smith, Bruce, and Padgett, Allen

Prusiking [1971], Thrun, Robert

American Caving - Illustrated [1965], Storey, J. Welborn

Vertical [1990], Warlid, Alan

Nylon Highway Vol. 1, 1974 - Vol. No. 44,


Gray Unmarked Notebook, Wefer, Fred L.

Interactive Cave Maps, Wefer, Fred L.

BCCS Survey Training Course, Wefer, Fred L.

Stage-4 Viewgraphs, Wefer, Fred L.

Profile of the BCCS - Presentation with Viewgraphs [1991], Wefer, Fred L.


Caves of Virginia [1964], Douglas, Henry H.

Discovery of Luray Caverns, Virginia [1978], Gurnee, Russell H.

The Region Record - A History of the Virginia Region [1979],

Cave Development in Burnsville Cove, West-Central Virginia, with Special Reference to Breathing Cave (thesis) [1960], Deike, George H. III

The Region Record, ; XII:1,1998-99; XII:3,1999; X:3,Sum 1997; X:4,Fall 1997; XI:4,Fall 1998; XI:3,Sum 1998; XII:2,Spr 1999

Saltpetre Caves and Virginia History [1964], Faust, Burton

Breathing Cave Phenonenum,

Battlefield Cave Notebook,


Undara Volcano and its Lava Tubes [1995], Atkinson, Anne, and Atkinson, Vernon


6th International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology [1991], Rea, G. Thomas

Waitomo Caves

Waitomo Caves [1953] [reprint 1956], Richards, J.H.

Wakulla Project

The Wakulla Project,


Limestones and Caves of Wales [1989], Ford, Trevor D.


Bat Bomb; World War II's Other Secret Weapon [1992], Couffer, Jack


Caves of Washington - Geology Circular 40 [1963], Halliday, William R.

The Paradise Ice Caves [1972], Halliday, William R., and Anderson, Charles H.

Waste Disposal

How to Shit in the Woods [1989], Meyer, Kathleen


Water Tracers Cookbook - Missouri [1976], Aley, Tom, and Fletcher, Mickey W.

Water Tracing

Water Tracers Cookbook - Missouri [1976], Aley, Tom, and Fletcher, Mickey W.


Bat Bomb; World War II's Other Secret Weapon [1992], Couffer, Jack


Cave Weather Notebooks,

Welch's Cave

Ozark Stories of the Upper Current River, Vickery, Margaret Ray

Wesley Chapel Gulf

Lost River at Wesley Chapel Gulf [1931] [Reprint 1995], Malott, Clyde A.

West Indies

A Study of Harrison's Cave, Barbados, West Indies [1978], Gurnee, Jeanne

Caves of Barbados, West Indies [1991], Gurnee, Russell H., and Gurnee, Jeanne

Safety, Environmental, and Maintenance Study of Harrison's Cave, Welchman Hall, St. Thomas, Barbados, WI [1986], Gurnee, Russell H., and Gurnee, Jeanne

A Study of Environmental Factors in Harrison's Cave, Barbados, West Indies [1994], Hobbs, Horton H. III

A Study of Fountain National Park and Fountain Cavern [1989], Gurnee, Jeanne

West Virginia

Caverns of West Virginia: West Virginia Geological Survey: Geologic and Economic Survey Vol XIX A. [1958], Davies, William E.

Western US

Adventure is Underground [1959], Halliday, William R.


Wilderness Under the Earth [1958], Franke, Herbert W.

Mountaineering Medicine - A Wilderness Medical Guide [1969], Darvill, Fred T. Jr.

Wind Cave

A Guide to Wind Cave and Wind Cave National Park [1962], Tyers, John

Wind Cave National Park Service Handbook 104 [1979],


How to Shit in the Woods [1989], Meyer, Kathleen


The World of Caves [1958], Lubke, Anton

Atlas of the Great Caves of the World [1989], Courbon, Paul, Chabert, Claude, Bosted, Peter, and Lindsley, Karen

The World of Caves [1976], Waltham, A.C.

Cave Minerals of the World 2nd Ed. [1997], Hill, Carol A., and Forti, Paolo

World War II

Bat Bomb; World War II's Other Secret Weapon [1992], Couffer, Jack


From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan - Collected Writings [1983], Blavatsky, Helena Petrova

Wyandotte Cave

Celebrated American Caverns [1970], Hovey, Horace Carter

The Story of Wyandotte Cave [1975], Jackson, George F.


Caves of Wyoming - Geological Survey Bulletin 59 [1976], Hill, Chris, Sutherland, Wayne, and Tierney, Lee


Additional Caves in the Vicinity of Xochitlan AMCS Newsletter Vol IV Number 5-6 [1974], Reddell, James R.


Yochib: The River Cave [1985], Steele, C. William

Young Reader

Caves [1976], Laycock, George

The Story of Caves [1956], Sterling, Dorothy

Caves [1995], Kramer, Stephen

The Mysterious World of Caves [1971], Bauer, Ernst

Caves [1981], Kerbo, Ronal C.

Trapped in a Cave [1993], Morris, Deborah


The Hill-Caves of Yucatan [1975], Mercer, Henry C.


The Cave Explorers [1981], Eyre, Jim


A Preliminary Report on the Zacapoaxtla-Cuetzalan Area, Northern Puebla, Mexico AMCS Newsletter Vol. IV, No. 5-6 [1974], Davis, Nevin W.