
Project Weekends
The Homestead

BCCS Links
Caving Links
Water Sinks
Butler Survey Project
Surveys Planned

Trip Reports

BCCS Members
BCCS Friends

Usage Policy

BCCS Calendar



Everyone on BCCS preserves, going into BCCS caves, working BCCS digs or projects, or on BCCS trips needs to have a waiver on file. Please download, print, read, sign and bring with you.

Date Project Weekend or Event Coordinator
January 19-21, 2024

Caving Project Weekend #235

Paul Winter
January 30, 2024
7:00pm via telecon

BCCS Town Hall - Tuesday Evening telecon

Paul Winter
February 16-19, 2024 Caving Project Weekend #236 Paul Winter
March 15-17, 2024 Pancakes Digging Weekend Gregg Clemmer
April 15, 2024 Bat Moratorium Ends - Caves open to science, exploration, and recreation.
April 19-21, 2024 Caving Project Weekend #237 Paul Winter
May 24-27 2024 Spring Work, Maintenance, and Caving Weekend #238 Paul Winter, Acting Chair, Bldg and Grounds Committee

May 27, 2024
10:00am in person

BCCS Town Hall, Homestead Porch

Paul Winter, President

July 3 - July 7, 2024 Caving Project Weekend #239

Paul Winter

August 2-4, 2024 Caving Project Weekend #240 Paul Winter
August 17, 2024 BCCS Open House 11am-3pm. More info here.
Paul Winter
August 30- Sept 2, 2024 Caving Project Weekend #241 (Labor Day Weekend) Rosie Behr and Bryan Crowell
October 4-6, 2024 BCCS Social Weekend and Members Meeting
Lightning Talks on Saturday morning 10/5 time TBD.
Paul Winter
October 8, 2024 BCCS Members Meeting via Telecon Paul Winter
October 15, 2024 Bat Moratorium Begins - Caves open to science and exploration ONLY. Butler Cave open except for Nicholson Entrance area.
November 1-3, 2024 Caving Project Weekend #242 Irina Tăbărană
December 6-8, 2024 Caving Project Weekend #243
Gift Exchange & White Elephant Holiday Party Saturday evening.
Alex Malone and Keith Wheeland

Project Weekend trips are project-focused and self-organized; if you just show up there may not be a trip for you. Contact the Coordinator (contact info in NSS Manual) if you have questions. Check our Project Weekend page for more information about the Project Weekens and how to get on a trip.

You can check our Pancakes page for more information on our annual Spring digging weekend coincident with the Highland County Maple Festival.

Also visit our page about staying at the homestead. A completed signed waiver is required to participate in any BCCS activities or to use BCCS owned or managed facilities, property, or caves.

Our Google Calendar contains the project weekends along with other BCCS activities.


  -----PRIOR YEARS-----


Date Project Weekend or Event Coordinator
January 20-22, 2023

Caving Project Weekend #226

Kelly McCarthy, Butler Cave Project Leader
January 24, 2023
7:00pm via telecon

BCCS Town Hall

Paul Winter, President
February 17-19, 2023 Caving Project Weekend #227 Paul Winter, President
March 17-19, 2023 Pancakes Digging Weekend Gregg Clemmer
April 21-23, 2023 Caving Project Weekend #228 Kelly McCarthy, Butler Cave Project Leader
May 26-29, 2023 Spring Work, Maintenance, and Caving Weekend #229 Paul Winter, Acting Chair, Bldg and Grounds Committee

May 29, 2023
10:00am in person

BCCS Town Hall, Homestead Porch

Paul Winter, President

June 30 - July 4, 2023 Caving Project Weekend #230
NSS Post-Convention Camp

Paul Winter, President

August 4-6, 2023 Caving Project Weekend #231 Scott Walquist
September 1-4, 2023 Caving Project Weekend #232 Rosie Behr & Bryan Crowell
September 29 to October 1, 2023

BCCS Social Weekend and Members Meeting
Format and date of the meeting pending members poll

Paul Winter, President
November 3-5, 2023 Caving Project Weekend #233 Casey Tucker
December 15-17, 2023 Caving Project Weekend #234
Gift Exchange & White Elephant Holiday Party
Alex Malone



BCCS Caving Project Weekends are back! The Board has authorized the resumption of open BCCS Project Weekends beginning with the Memorial Day May 28-30, 2022 BCCS Project Weekend!


Date Project Weekend or Event Coordinator
January 6-9, 2022

Social Distancing and RSVP Only
Preserve Surveying Weekend
Project Weekend #217

Tony Canike
March 16-20, 2022

Social Distancing and RSVP Only
Unofficial Pancake Digging Weekend
Preserve Surveying Weekend
Project Weekend #218

Gregg Clemmer
Tony Canike
May 25-27, 2022 Pre-weekend Preserve Surveying and Management Projects Tony Canike

May 28-30, 2022

Annual Work, Maintenance, and Caving Weekend
Project Weekend #219

Paul Winter, Acting Chair, Bldg and Grounds Committee

July 1-4, 2022 Caving Project Weekend #220 TBD
August 5-7, 2022 Caving Project Weekend #221 TBD
September 2-5, 2022 Caving Project Weekend #222 TBD
September 30 to October 2, 2022. BCCS Social Weekend and Celebration of Life for
Nevin W. Davis and Mark Hodge
Caving Project Weekend #223
Paul Winter, President
Oct 4th, 2022 7PM BCCS Annual Business Meeting via Telecon Paul Winter, President
November 5, 2022 Preserve Management Surveying, Building Maintenance, and Digging Weekend (Project Weekend #224) Tony Canike
December 13-16, 2022 Preserve Management Surveying Tony Canike
December 16-18, 2022

Caving Project Weekend #225
Gift Exchange & White Elephant Holiday Party at the Roost 7:30pm Saturday.

TBD, caving project coordinator
Alex Malone, Gift Exchange coordinator



Date Project Weekend Leader


October 2, 2020

10/3 Members Meeting Noon
Tony Canike 
November 19-21, 2020

Preserve Surface Surveying
Social Distancing and RSVP Only
Project Weekend #216

Tony Canike, Chair of the Preserve Management Committee


Date Project Weekend Leader
January 18-19 2020 BCCS Project Weekend #214 Paul WInter
February 15- 17, 2020 BCCS Project Weekend #215 Paul Winter


March 21- 22, 2020

Annual Pancakes Digging Weekend! Gregg Clemmer


April 18 - 19, 2020 

BCCS Project Weekend



May 23 - 25, 2020

BCCS Project Weekend
Saturday 5/23 Homestead Work Day
Monday 5/26 Board Meeting 9am
Michael Kistler 


June 20 - 21, 2020

BCCS Project Weekend Brian Mayfield 


July 3 - 5, 2020

BCCS Project Weekend Could be You!
CANCELLEDSeptember 5 - 7, 2020 BCCS Project Weekend Could be You!


October 3 - 4, 2020

10/3 Board Meeting 9:30am
10/3 Members Meeting Noon
10/3 Annual Cookout 5pm
Tony Canike 
CANCELLEDNovember 7 - 8, 2020 BCCS Project Weekend Could be You!
CANCELLEDDecember 12 - 13, 2020* BCCS Project Weekend and White Elephant Gift Exchange  Alex Malone





Date Project Weekend Host
January 19-20-21, 2019 BCCS Project Weekend #205 Paul Winter
February 16-17-18, 2019 BCCS Project Weekend #206 Paul Winter
March 16 - 17, 2019 Pancakes and surface digs!  Gregg Clemmer
April 6, 2019 Steamer Hole Cleanout Project Weekend 207 Hope Brooks
April 20 - 21, 2019 BCCS Project Weekend #208 TBD
May 25 - 27, 2019 BCCS Project Weekend #209
Saturday 5/25 Homestead Work Day
Monday 5/27 Board Meeting 9am
Tony Canike and Mike Kistler
June 28-30, 2019 Homestead and Butler Cave closed for NCRC OCR Course Mark Hodge
July 4 - 7, 2019 BCCS Project Weekend #210 TBD
August 31 - September 2, 2019 BCCS Project Weekend #211 TBD
October 5 - 6, 2019

BCCS Annual Meeting
10/5 Board Meeting 9:30am
10/5 Members Meeting Noon
10/5 Annual Cookout 5pm

Tony Canike
November 2 - 3, 2019 BCCS Project Weekend #212 Yvonne Droms and Mark Minton
December 14 -15 2019 BCCS Project Weekend #213 and White Elephant Gift Exchange  Alex Malone and Keith Wheeland



January 20-21, 2018

BCCS Project Weekend #197

Paul Winter

February 17-18, 2018

Butler Project Weekend #198

Paul Winter

March 17-18, 2018

Pancakes - come eat pancakes and then dig with us!

Gregg Clemmer

March 31-April 1, 2018 BCCS 50/60 Preparation Work Weekend Jean Vargas and Scott Olson

April 21-22, 2018

BCCS Project Weekend #199 and 50/60 Prep Work Weekend

Jean Vargas and Scott Olson

May 12-13, 2018 BCCS 50/60 Preparation Work Weekend

Jean Vargas and Scott Olson

May 26-28, 2018

BCCS 50/60 Celebration!

BCCS Project Weekend #200
Saturday 5/26 50/60 Celebration
Sunday 5/27  Caving Project Day
Monday 5/28 Board Meeting 9am

Jean Vargas and Scott Olson

July 7/4-7/8, 2018

BCCS Project Weekend  #201

Tony Canike

September 1-3, 2018

BCCS Project Weekend #202


October 6, 2018

BCCS Annual Business meeting

Board Meeting 10am
Members Meeting Noon


November 3-4, 2018

BCCS Project Weekend #203


December 15-16, 2018

BCCS Project Weekend #204 and White Elephant Gift Exchange

Nathan Farrar



January 21, 2017

BCCS Project Weekend #189

Paul Winter

February 18-19

Butler Project Weekend #190

Paul Winter

March 18

Pancakes - come eat pancakes and then dig with us!

Gregg Clemmer

April 15-16

BCCS Project Weekend #191 and BCCS Conservation Project.

Nathan Farrar

May 27-29

BCCS Project Weekend #192
Saturday 5/27 Homestead Project Day
Sunday 5/28  Caving Project Day
Monday 5/29 Board Meeting 9am

Mike Kistler

July 1-2-3-4

Tues 7/4

BCCS Project Weekend  #193

Long Range Plan Town Hall 9-11am at the Butler Homestead

Tony Canike

August 7 BCCS Long Range Plan telecon - contact Tony for details Tony Canike

September 2-4

Monday 9/4

BCCS Project Weekend #194

Long Range Plan Town Hall 9-11am at the Butler Homestead


October 7

BCCS Annual Business meeting

Board Meeting 10am
Members Meeting Noon

Tony Canike

November 4

BCCS Project Weekend #195


December 16-17

BCCS Project Weekend #196 and White Elephant Gift Exchange

Nathan Farrar


January 16-18, 2016 Project Weekend #181 Paul Winter
February 20 Project Weekend #182 Paul Winter
March 19 Pancakes - come eat pancakes and then dig with us! Gregg Clemmer
April 23-24 Project Weekend #183 and Earth Day BCCS Conservation Project.
Nathan Farrar
May 28 (Saturday) Homestead Project Day, Project Weekend #184 Mike Kistler
May 29 (Sunday) Caving Project Day, Project Weekend #184 Tony Canike
May 29 (Sunday) Board Meeting 8:30am at Bill and Priscilla's
(Note Sunday date&time)
Tony Canike
May 30 (Monday) Caving trips and closing up. Tony Canike
July 2-4 Project Weekend  #185 Tony Canike
September 3-5 Project Weekend #186 TBD
October 1 Board Meeting 10am
Annual Business Meeting 12 noon
Tony Canike
November 12 Project Weekend #187 Mark Hodge
December 10 Project Weekend #188 and White Elephant Gift Exchange Nathan Farrar


17-18 Jan 2015 Project Weekend #172. Led by Paul Winter.
21-22 Feb 2015 Project Weekend #173 Led by Paul Winter.
21-22 Mar 2015 Pancakes Weekend - come dig with us!
Led by Gregg Clemmer.
18-19 Apr 2015 Project Weekend #174 and Earth Day Celebration.
Led by Nathan Farrar.
23 May 2015 Project Weekend #175, Homestead Project Day.
Led by Tony Canike.
24 May 2015 Project Weekend #175, Caving Project Day.
Led by Tony Canike.
25 May 2015 Board of Directors Meeting (Memorial Day)
9:30am at the Homestead
3 Jul - 5 Jul 2015 Project Weekend #176. Led by Tony Canike.
5 Sep - 7 Sep 2015 Project Weekend #177. Led by Scott Olson.
3 Oct 2015 Board of Directors Meeting 10am
3 Oct 2015 Annual Membership Meeting 12pm
7 Nov 2015 Project Weekend #178.
Led by Mark Hodge.
14 Nov 2015 VPI/Nittany Project Weekend #179
Led by Tony Canike
12-13 Dec 2015 Project Weekend #180 and the 3rd Annual White Elephant gift exchange. Led by Nathan Farrar.

18 Jan 2014 Expedition #164. Led by Paul Winter.
22 Feb 2014 Expedition #165. Led by Brad Cooper.
15 Mar 2014 Pancakes Weekend - come dig with us!
Led by Gregg Clemmer.
19 Apr 2014 Expedition #166 and Earth Day Celebration.
Led by Nathan Farrar.
24 May 2014 Expedition #167, Homestead Project Day.
Led by Tony Canike.
25 May 2014 Expedition #167, Caving Project Day.
Led by Tony Canike.
26 May 2013 Board of Directors Meeting (Memorial Day)
9:30am at the Homestead
4 Jul - 7 Jul 2014 Expedition #168. Led by Tony Canike.
30 Aug - 1 Sep 2014 Expedition #169. Led by Tony Canike.
4 Oct 2014 Board of Directors Meeting 10am
4 Oct 2014 Annual Membership Meeting 12pm
22 Nov 2014 Expedition #170.
Led by Yvonne Droms and Mark Minton.
13 Dec 2014 Expedition #171 and the 2nd Annual White Elephant gift exchange. Led by Nathan Farrar.

16 Mar 2013 Pancakes Weekend - come dig with us!
20 Apr 2013 BCCS Expedition #158 (revised date)
25 May 2013 BCCS Expedition #159, Homestead Project Day
26 May 2013 BCCS Expedition #159, Caving Project Day
27 May 2013 Board of Directors Meeting (Memorial Day) 9:30am at the homestead
4 Jul -7 Jul 2013 BCCS Expedition #160
31 Aug - 2 Sep 2013 BCCS Expedition #161
5 Oct 2013 Board of Directors Meeting
5 Oct 2013 BCCS Annual Membership Meeting
16 Nov 2013 BCCS Expedition #162, led by Paul Winter
14 Dec 2013 BCCS Expedition #163 and gift exchange, led by Nathan Farrar